Tuesday, March 11, 2025

General Meeting March 2025


Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy Kennedy, Karl Rugaard, Louise Rugaard

Speaker: James Kennedy presented the Coastal Prairie

Refreshments. and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Karl and Louise Rugaard and door prize by Stevee Steely.

Meeting Minutes – Debbie Haluch voted to dispense with reading of the minutes. Stevee seconded the motion.

 Old Business:

·        Garden Clean out and replanting

 New Business:

·        Jr Gardening Event will be May 3rd

·        Next months meeting- Pet Fly Trap

Gardening Tip of the Month – Ruby throated hummingbirds are coming to our area.  Time to clean out feeders. They like lantanas, columbine, cuphea and bee balm.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

General Meeting February 2025

Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy Kennedy

 Speaker: The good, bad and ugly- bugs by Bob Dailey

 Refreshments. and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Vickie and door prize by Laura Lara

 Meeting Minutes – Liz Hearn voted to dispense with reading of the minutes. Dale seconded the motion.

 Old Business:

 New Business:

·        Jr Gardening Event will be May 3rd

·        Gardens cleanup is Wednesday March 12th

·        Replanting is Saturday, March 15th

Gardening Tip of the Month – Now is the time to spray your trees, Fungicides should go on as close to the budding as possible to prevent fire blight, leaf curl and brown rot. The last day for frost is Feb 27th. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

General Meeting November 11

 Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy Kennedy, Karl Rugaard, Louise Rugaard

Speaker: Almeda Wogan

Topic: “Lone Star Christmas”

Refreshments. and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Vickie Kreeger and door prize by Stevee Steely.

Meeting Minutes – Debbie Haluch voted to dispense with reading of the minutes. Stevee seconded the motion.

 Old Business:

·        Garden Clean out and replanting

·        Thanksgiving Meal Friday, November 15th at 7pm- Union Kitchen

·        Fire Dept donation

 New Business:

·        Volunteer roles

·        December outing- Brookwood

·        December Christmas Party

Gardening Tip of the Month – Have your soil tested. Once you get the results, amend the soil so microorganisms can break the nutrients down and make them available in time for planting.

Monday, October 14, 2024

General Meeting October 11

 Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara, Ann Sansbury, Stevee Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy

 Speaker: Liz spoke on different ways of preserving foods.

 Refreshments. and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Ann Sansbury and door prize by Debbie Haluch

 Minutes – September 9 Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes.

 Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Report was dispensed with since Karl Rugaard is out of the country.

 Old Business:

·         We are looking for people to fill volunteer positions.

·         No date for the CPR class yet.

·         The garden replant will be October 26 at 9:00 a.m. Weeding and trimming will be Tuesday, October 22nd at 8:00. Stevee, Debbie, Liz and Ann will be there.

·         Thanksgiving dinner will be Friday, November 15th. Place to be determined.

 New Business:

·         Stevee will plan a Christmas outing and meal at Brookwood.

 Meetings: Our next meeting is Monday, November 11 with Meda Wogan, “Lone Star Christmas, the early settlers of native plants for Christmas decorations.

 November meeting is Monday, November 11, with Meda Wogan “Lone Star Christmas. The early settlers use of native plants for Christmas Decorations.

 Christmas party is Saturday, December 14 at Liz Hearn’s house.

 Gardening Tip of the Month – October, in our area, is prime time for planting woody ornamentals shrubs, trees, vines, groundcovers, an many types of annuals and perennials. Don’t forget your fall vegetables and start thinking about winter freeze precautions. Keep beds mulched to discourage weeds.

Monday, September 9, 2024

General Meeting Minutes September 2024

 Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers.

 Speaker: We had a Succulent Planting Party. Liz spoke on succulents and then members and guests planted their own succulent “bowls” using supplies and plants furnished by Liz and the Garden Club.

 Minutes – May 13 Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes.

 Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer, Ann Sansbury and approved by all.

 Old Business:

·         Liz will be working on repairing the butterflies at the butterfly gardens.

·         There are still volunteer positions available for the garden club.

·         Norma is working on organizing a CPR class for the neighborhood.

 New Business:

·         Ann will announce the date of the Fall Butterfly Garden planting at the next meeting. We are looking at the end of November.

·         There are several volunteer opportunities – HFGC outreach, and placing poinsettia stands at Brookwood. This is their main fundraiser.

·         Norma is scheduling the Thanksgiving meal.

 Our next meeting is Monday October 14 with Robert Dailey “Bugs in the Garden: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and the Indifferent.

 November meeting is Monday, November 11, with Meda Wogan “Lone Star Christmas. The early settlers use of native plants for Christmas Decorations.

 Christmas party is Saturday, December 14 at Liz Hearn’s house.


Monday, May 13, 2024

General Meeting May 13th

 Attendees:  Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Louise Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Dale Smothers, Ann Sansbury

Speaker:  Garden Club Members

Topic: Favorite Plant and Tips for Growing

Refreshments: Vickie Kreeger

Door Prize: Louise Rugaard and Debbie Haluch

Birthday Celebrations: Alma Rielly

Old Business (Refresh)

·         Junior Gardener

New Business (Fresh)

·         Speakers for Next Year

Garden Tip of the Month:

Plant summer blooming perennials and annuals.

Monday, March 11, 2024

General Meeting March 11

Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara, Louise                             Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely

Speakers:  Ken & Janet Grau

Refreshments:  Provided by Louise Rugaard

Birthday Celebrations:  Cathy Oland (3/3) Debbie Haluch (3/21)

Approval of Club Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

  1. Motion to dispense with reading of prior month’s minutes

  2. Treasurer’s Report (Karl)

Old Business

  1. Update on Preparations for Junior Gardener Event (Louise)

    1. Supplies on hand, publicity, helpers, funds needed

  2. Update District Garden Club Convention (Liz)

    1. Wednesday March 27 Lone Star Community Center

New Business

  1. CCL garden replant project (Anne)

  2. Seek contributions from CCL HOA (who and how much?)

Upcoming CCGC Events:

  1. Next Meeting – April 8, 2024 (creating a backyard bird habitat)