Monday, January 14, 2019

January Meeting

Attendees:  Bonnie Buhl, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Sandy Haumpton, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Mike Owens, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers and Mike Roberts

Welcome:  New member Mike Roberts.  Mike is an avid gardener who has had great success in creating a habitat to attract many varieties of butterflies.  He and his wife Kara released over 300 butterflies last year including Monarchs and Pipeline Swallow Tails.  Mike shared that the movie, Flight of the Butterflies, is what stirred his interest in butterflies.  Welcome Mike!


§       Ellen Jones made the recommendation for all Garden Club member to attain Butterfly Garden Certification through the North America Butterfly Association (NABA).  Garden Club member, Ann Sansbury, has attained this certification.  The requirements are very basic: a non-pesticide environment with 3 different native caterpillar food plants and 3 native nectar plants.  Members agreed that in addition to creating a butterfly habitat, we can promote the program to others by example.  With certification, you receive a customized NABA Butterfly Garden and Habitat certificate along with a recent issue of NABA’s publication, Butterfly Gardner.  Weatherproof signs to place in your garden are available for $25.  For more information and to apply on line, visit

§       Ellen Jones provided an update on the location designated by CCL POA, Section 3 for the new Butterfly Garden.  Kelly Doyle, POA President for CCL Section 3 has designated a location for the garden. The location is an existing garden along both sides of the sidewalk leading to the playground at the park on Brazos Sage.  There was discussion and agreement among the group which included the decisions to:
o   Design the garden in the shape of a butterfly similar to that of the existing Butterfly Garden
o   Place the memorial bricks perpendicular to the sidewalk on both sides of the existing sidewalk
o   The importance of rich soil and organic undyed mulch was emphasized.  Ann Sansbury volunteered to provide compost for the gardens
o   In addition to planting milkweed, specific butterfly host and nectar plants to consider include cone flower, mist flower, lantana, may night salvia, parsley
o   A stone marker will be the keystone for the garden – similar to the one in the existing garden
o   A recommendation was made to include a small-scale tree such as Vitex on each side of the garden to provide a place for caterpillars to form a chrysalis
o   Members want to fully participate in the preparation and planting of the garden

Next steps include a meeting with the Kelly Doyle and the landscape developer to provide input and determine roles, cost and timeline.  Ellen will provide an update at the meeting on February 11, 2019

Business Meeting Results
§      November 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes – a recommendation to dispense of reading of the minutes was made by Mike Owens and seconded by Mark Jones

§      Bonnie Buhl, Secretary/Treasurer, presented the Year End/Monthly Treasurer Report.  It was approved by all

§       As a result of consensus of all members, a Memorial for CCL Garden Club Member, C. O. “Doc” Stokley has been made:
­   Butterfly Garden Memorial Brick
­   In lieu of flowers, $200 donation to Tennessee Technical University, Electrical Engineering Dept

§       Officer Nomination Committee Volunteers:  Larry Allen, Debbie Haluch and Mike Owens advised they will present their recommendation for Nomination of Officers for 2019 at the meeting on March 11, 2019

§        Monthly Meetings: 
­   February Program Host, Mike Owens, Refreshments and Door Prize, Bonnie Buhl
­   February 11 speakers – Kyle Franklin, IMS Landscaping and Joe Sykes, President MUD 374
­   February 11 Program Topic – discussion of feasibility of enhancing field north of main entrance on Fry Road between lake and Black Horse Golf Course
­   March Program Host, Refreshments and Door Prize - Norma Chiaramonte
­   March Program Topic – TBD
­   April 8 – Program Topic is Share Table.  Each member is asked to bring a gardening topic to discuss and share.  Examples include a unique plant (indoor or outdoor), a gardening problem you have resolved or need help in solving, landscape design, etc.  Mike Roberts has offered to host the meeting at his home.  In doing so, Mike will be able to share the butterfly habitat he has created and provide information on his pond.  Dave and Marsha Mausolf will provide the refreshments and door prize
­   May 13 – Program Topic TBD, Ian McWilliam will provide Door Prize and Refreshments

Committee Chair Updates

§       Brick Fundraiser – Mike Owen – special thanks to Cathie Bortz for sponsoring the printing of Memorial Brick forms
§       Field Trip and Events – the Bluebonnet Flower Club Annual Flower Show will be Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.  It is a seated brunch in Barnhill Center at Historic Simon Theater in downtown Brenham.  Cost is $25 per person.  If you would like to attend, please contact Marsha Mausolf and she will coordinate
§       Social Media – it has been brought to our attention that the CCL Garden Club account on Facebook needs to be updated on a more consistent basis.  It was acknowledged that the promotion of meetings and events from this account has a greater impact than that from individual garden club member accounts.  Ellen agreed to provide timely updates (i.e. program speakers and events) to the site administrator, Debbie Haluch
      YOM Volunteer for Chair Positions needed - Next judging for YOM is April

Gardening Tips for January
§       PLANT TREES!!!
      Prune established trees as well as start fertilizing established trees and shrubs using balanced synthetic fertilizer 13-13-13.  *Note: Use organic fertilizers only on newly planted trees (< 2 years old in the landscape)