Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You're Invited!! A Junior Gardner Event

The Cypress Creek Lakes Garden Club


little sprouts

to attend
Please join us to celebrate

Mother’s Day

with a fun-filled plant-potting project!!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
10:30am – 11:30am (come and go!)
Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center

Cost: $5.00
Ages 5 to 8
(All participants must be accompanied by an adult)
Contact Bev Allen 713-208-8338 to register
Space is limited!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Butterfly Garden Clean Up and Replant

Thanks to Debbie Haluch, Billie Fontana, Helen Lombardo, Sandra Gilbert and Norma Chiaramonte for working so hard on cleaning out and replanting the Butterfly Garden Saturday.  It is such a wonderful site to see our garden happy and healthy!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 2012 Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2012

President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club to order at 7:05 PM at the CCL Community Center. She welcomed all members and guests.
Sandra introduced two of the State Youth Writing Contest Winners. Brynne Burnett and Joshua Miller. They read their winning poems to the Garden Club. Two other winners were not present: Mikaela Kufrovich and Canyon Evenson.
Sandra introduced the Yard of the Month recipient, David Halverson, who lives with Travis and Dana Combs.
Attendees: Sandra Gilbert, David and Marcia Mausolf, Helen Lombardo, Patti Foucha, Jennifer Buchert, Beverly Allen, Billie Fontana, Krista Steele, Norma Chiaramonte, and guests Anne Johansen, David Halverson, Kerry Burnett, Rick Burnett, Brynne Burnett, Wendy Miller, Josh Miller, Nathan Miller and Dan Miller.
Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance was $1,804.20, receipts of $17.00, disbursements of $98.51, giving us an ending balance of $1,722.69.
PROGRAM: Each member presented a flower or clipping from their yard and gave us information on the plant.
OLD BUSINESS: Helen said she will email us when it is time to clean out and put in new plants at the Butterfly Garden.
Sandra reported that 12 more bricks were installed at the Butterfly Garden.
The Egg Hunt was a huge success. Our club was represented with a booth and gave out information about the Jr. Garden Event and gave away several door prizes.
Helen, Billie and Beverly gave us more information about the upcoming Jr. Gardeners Event which will be held May 5, 2012. It will be at the CCL Community Center from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The ages are from 5 to 8 years old. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. The cost will be $5.00. Each participant will pick a plant or flower, plant it in a container and decorate it.
This week Sandra will donate our Seeds for Life packets for the state project.
NEW BUSINESS: Our May speaker will be Henry Flowers from the Herb Society. We discussed the Warner Elementary Project . The PTO is interested in making a Butterfly Garden at the school and would like us to help with getting it started. We will discuss this more at a later date.
Helen donated a door prize which was won by Billie.
The Gardening Link of the Month:
The Gardening Tip of the Month: Randy Lemmon, “Plant spring flowers/annuals now. Select shorter, more compact ones. Taller ones are likely to be more root bound.”
Our next meeting will be May 14, 2012 at the CCL Community Center.
Thanks to Beverly and Billie for being hostesses this month.
Sandra adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted

Marcia Mausolf

Friday, April 13, 2012

State Youth Writing Contest Winners!

The CCLGC sponsored several students in the State Youth Writing Contest. 4 of our students won! CONGRATULATIONS to Brynne Burnett, Joshua Miller, Mikaela Kufrovich and Canyon Evenson. Brynne and Joshua gave us the honor of hearing the poems that they had written. Great job to all!!

April General Meeting

Our April General Meeting was held this past Monday, April 9th. Our speakers were our very own members. Traditionally for our April meeting, we ask our members to bring their favorite plant or flower and tell everyone about it. It is a wonderful way for everyone to learn about a new plant that is currently growing right in our own neighborhood! It may even become someone elses favorite! This year, we learned the difference between an Easter Cactus and a Christmas Cactus, what a Budda Belly plant is, and about red spinich plants, iris', and wild berrys.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 2012 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Travis & Dana Combs for being selected as the April, 2012 Yard of the Month. Travis and Dana live at 27027 Cypress Springs Lane Thanks for keeping our neighborhood looking fantastic!! We appreciate your hard work.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt CCLGC Prize Winners!

The CCLGC setup a table at the annual community Easter Egg Hunt this past Saturday. Thanks to all of the Garden Club members who came out to help staff the table and give out the information for our upcoming Junior Gardeners Event.

Congratulations to Prize Winners: Karen Porter and Rosie Velaquez

April General Meeting

Our April General Meeting will be held this Monday, April 9 at 7 PM at the CCL Community Center (by the swimming pool). The program this month is "Club Members Share" Bring a plant to share with the group. Bring a favorite, unusual or newly discovered plant to introduce to us. You may bring a stem, a branch, a plant in a container, or whatever you have.
Also at this months meeting, meet and honor the students who won writing awards in the Texas State Youth Writing Contests! The students were sponsored by CCL Garden Club.
We look forward to seeing you Monday!