The first meeting of the 2011-2012 CCLGC was held Monday, September 12th at the Community Center. Our speaker was Carol Bright of Bright Landscaping Design, Inc. She spoke on "Possibilities in the Landscape". Carol reminded us that a little can go a long way -- you don't need to do the entire yard at one time, a little at a time always works,and you can work slowly to get exactly what you want -- maybe a water feature, a pathway, a pergola or other items. Carol told us that we need to remember that the plants exposure to the sun and the amount of watering are extremely important factors to a plants performance -- Be aware of where you plant and how much sun gets to those plants.
Some of the plants that they have seen that are holding up in the extreme heat and drought are:
Aspanagus Fern, Foxtail Fern, Katie Ruellia, Cora Vinca, Hamellias, Esperanza, Pomegranites, Giant Liriope, Potato Vine, Confederate Jasmine, Yucca, Angelonia, Lantana, Cuban Gold Duranta, Oleander, Palms, Hollies, Vitex, Texas Purple Sage, Fountain Grasses, Live Oaks, Holly Trees, Magnolias, Evergreen Wisteria, Plumbago.
These have done up until August: Crapes, Roses, White Wing Caladiums and Dwarf Penta.
Problematic: Monkey Grass, Mini Monkey Grass, Gingers, Encore Azaleas.