Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Trimming of the Butterfly Garden

On Saturday October 15th, Helen Lombardo, Debbie Haluch, Dave Mausolf and Dale Smothers took on the task of trimming up the Butterfly Garden. The vincas, Helen Lombardo and Debbie planted in June 2011 did extremely well despite our summer drought. They were so abundant that the engraved brick walkway was hidden. Helen, with over 40 years in the plant nursery business, has no worries with pulling up and trimming plants. Debbie, it seems, is more of a rescue plant person even when they don't need it. There are a few begonias and vincas in the garden that Helen let me "save". Garden Club member Dave Mausolf and Dale Smothers followed Helen's guidance and we filled five contractor bags with our lush trimmings. The garden should be in full bloom again in 4-6 weeks.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 2011 General Meeting

Our October General Meeting was held October 10th at the Community Center. Our speaker was Carol Fraser with the Bear Creek Extension Service, and she spoke on “Help with Trees” Did you know that a tree was planted at the same time as the Declaration of Independence was signed, it is called the Liberty Elm? She also told us that trees should be watered at the "drip" line of the branches, as this is the natural watering system for the tree, not at the trunk of the tree. She also said that 5:am to sunrise is the best time to water. Remember not to leave any broken branches on your trees! Be sure to trim them, however, in a drought, only trim when absolutely necessary.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October General Meeting

Our next Garden Club meeting will be this Monday, October 10 from 7-9 at the Community Center (by the swimming pool). Our speaker will be Carol Fraser from Bear Creek Extension Service who will speak on "Help with Trees".

Remember to bring your Pathway Brick Order forms!!! (if you need a form they are available on the CCL website, or you can contact any Garden Club member) We will take orders until November!!

We look forward to seeing you there!