Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blossoms and Blooms and Bulbs, Oh My!

 November 12, 2012
President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club to order at 7:00 PM at the CCL Com. Center.
Sandra Gilbert introduces Sherri Harrah from Plants for All Seasons.

She acknowledged Nov. birthdays:  Marcia Mausolf
The yard of the month recipient was Noelle Rowe.
Attendees:  Sandra Gilbert, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathy Booth, Mike Owens, Billie Fontana, Debbie Haluch, Patti Foucha, Bonnie Segura, Ann Schmidt, Helen Lombardo, Jennifer Buchert, Cathy Oland and Speaker, Sherri Harrah.
Sherri Harrah delights the audience with special live arrangements and gift ideas for the holidays.

Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report:  Beginning balance was $1992.96, receipts of $140.00, disbursements of $20.00, giving us an ending balance of $2112.96.

BUSINESS:  Helen reported on the Butterfly garden. It was cleaned and prepared for planting tomorrow morning.  Anyone who is available, please stop by between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM to help plant.  Patti gave us information concerning a sign to be placed at the garden. Norma volunteered to be on the committee to help get estimates and bring more information back to the club.
Our holiday party will be December 1, 2012 at the home of Billie and Boots Fontana from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  BYOB.  We will have a $20.00 gift exchange between the members only. Please RSVP to Billie or Sandra.

We support the Youth Poetry Project again this year.  The 3ed, 4th, and 5th graders from Warner Elementary School participated.  Jennifer coordinated it again this year at Warner.
We are still collecting Seeds For Life project.  The seeds will be used locally this year and not sent overseas.

Thanks again to Jennifer for the wonderful job of keeping our blog up to date.

Our brick fundraiser will continue until the end of November. 

Gardening Link of the Month is

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Club Members Flutter to Butterfly Garden

Cypress Creek Lakes Garden Club members Kathy Booth, Norma Chiaramonte, Billie Fontana, Sandra Gilbert, Helen Lombardo and Bonnie Segura helped tidy up the neighborhood butterfly garden on October 16.  After filling up ten garbage bags, the space is looking great. 
New additions will be planted in early November.

Salvia Success!

Tricia Bradbury

 October 8, 2012

President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club to order at 7:00 PM at the CCL Com. Center.  She welcomed all member and guests.
Sandra announced the YOTM recipients.  They are Mike and Liz Dodson.
Attendees:  Sandra Gilbert, Marcia Mausolf, Mike Owens, Bev Allen, Debbie Haluch, Kathy Booth, Patti Foucha, Helen Lombardo, Ann Schmidt, Bonnie Segura, Norma Chiaramonte, guest Lia Brown, and speaker Tricia Bradbury.
PROGRAM:  Tricia Bradbury, a Houston Fed of Garden Club speaker, gave a talk on “Salvias”. There are over 900 species, some grow to seven feet tall, and they are used in culinary, medicinal, recreational and religious rituals.
Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report:  Beginning balance was $1639.96, receipts of $400.00 and disbursements of $47.00, giving us a balance of $1992.96.
OLD BUSINESS:  Sometime this month we will get together to clean, transplant and trim the butterfly garden.  Time and date will be emailed to us.
NEW BUSINESS:  Sandra reminded us to check out our CCLGC Blog.  It has a lot of information available to us. She also suggested that we send pictures of our garden, birds, insects, etc. that we would like to share and she will put them on our blog.
Our brick fundraiser is going on now through November 2012. Check with your friends and family to see if they would like to buy one.  It’s a wonderful gift for Christmas.  We had our first Q&A this evening.  Several topics were discussed. There are still spots available for hosting.  Please let Sandra know if you can help.
Gardening Link of the Month :
Gardening Tip of the Month:  “It’s bulb season.  Look for bulb marts/shows/sales.  Except for the bulbs that need refrigeration, most bulbs can go in the ground anytime in Oct. and Nov.”.  Randy Lemmon, 1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.
Our next meeting will be Nov. 12, 2012 at 7:00PM at CCLCC.
Thanks to Mike Owens for hosting this month.
A special thank you to Mike Owens for creating an amazing seasonal display!

Door prize was won by Patti and donated by Debbie.
Sandra adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Mausolf

Monday, October 1, 2012

CCLGC Announces Fall Fundraiser

The Cypress Creek Lakes fall fundraiser will be a butterfly garden pathway brick sale.  It's a great opportunity for members and non-members alike who would like to honor, celebrate or remember someone with an engraved brick for the butterfly garden pathway.
Each engraved brick is $50, and the funds will continue to support maintenance of the garden and to purchase permanent signage for the garden.

Orders may be placed from October 1 through December 1, 2012. An engraved brick makes a one-of-a-kind gift for that special someone who has "everything!"

Please contact the garden club at for an order form.  Share the order form with your family, friends and neighbors!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mum's the Word! Garden Club "Falls" for Chrysanthmums

Monday, September 10, 2012

Speakers, Jackie and Marvin Yarotsky, present "Chrysanthemums."

Mr. Yarotsky, a long-time member of the National Chrysanthemum Society, demonstrates how to make the perfect soil mix for chrysanthemums.

Garden Club members Helen Lombardo, Bev Allen, Kathy Booth, Patti Foucha and Sandra Gilbert select a few mums of their own!

Meeting Minutes

President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club at 7:05 PM at the CCL Community Center. She welcomed all members and guests. We had two new guests join our club tonight.

Sandra announced Yard of the Month recipients. They are Vincent and Jane Galeoto of 11510 Matlock.

Attendees: Sandra Gilbert, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Jennifer Buchert, Bonnie Seguro, Helen Lombardo, Beverly Allen, Cathy Oland, Patti Foucha, Kathy Booth, Billie Fontana, guests Patricia Haygood and Ann Schmidt and speakers Marvin and Jackie Yarotsky.

PROGRAM: Jackie and Marvin Yarotsky gave us an informative talk and slide presentation on growing chrysanthemums. They are from the “Mums and More” Garden Club. Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes. Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance was $1792.69, disbursements of $152.73 leaving us an ending balance of $1639.96.

OLD BUSINESS: Sandra gave us an update on the Butterfly Garden. We’re working on getting signage for the garden and Helen reported that we will clean the garden in October as well as plant new plants. Garden Club yard signs are available for $17.00. If you purchase one you will receive a $10.00 gift card from Plants For All Seasons.

NEW BUSINESS: Sandra announced the September birthdays. They are Jennifer, Patti, Dawn and Krista. We discussed changing the by-laws. Helen made a motion to include non-residents in the CCL Garden Club with the understanding that all projects will benefit the Cypress Creek Lakes subdivision only. They will benefit from our outstanding speaker programs, information shared by club members and the fellowship of our members. Motion was seconded and passed. We will have a Q&A each month, our brick fundraiser will continue in Oct. and Nov., we will continue the Seeds for Life project, our Youth Projects will continue. We will also have book talks for anyone wishing to share gardening tips. There is now a message board in front of the Community Center which we can use to advertise our club activities. Gardening Link of the Month National Chrysanthemum Society.

A very special thank you goes to Helen Lombardo, who contributed 44 packets of seed to the Seeds For Life project.

Gardening Tip of the Month: Fall vegetables: keep soils hydrated even between plantings. “Dry soils lead to poor microbial activity…Work on revitalizing soils a few weeks before planting time. Watering the beds regularly until planting will also make a significant difference with germination.”

Our next meeting will be Oct. 8, 2012 at CCL Community Center at 7:00 PM. Thanks to Marcia and Dave for being hosting this month. Door prizes were won by Cathy, Helen, Bonnie and Ann. They were donated by Helen, Jackie and Marvin Yarotsky and Marcia and Dave Mausolf. Sandra adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marcia Mausolf Secretary/Treasurer