President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club to order at 7:00 PM at the CCL Community Center. She welcomed all members and guest.
The Yard of the Month recipients this month were Daniel and Kisha Grissom. Mike Owens said he needs another volunteer for this committee.
Speaker Presentation: Tricia Bradley, a Master Gardener, gave the program on “Easy Garden Maintenance”. Our garden should always be a work in progress. With the right tools, the right size plants, plus good irrigation, we can achieve this.
Attendees: Sandra Gilbert, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Mike Owens, Krista Steele, Debbie Haluch, Helen Lombardo, Bonnie Segura, Kathy Maynard, Billie Fontana, Kathy Booth, Sylvia Jenkins, Norma Chiaramonte, Nicole Alvarez, guest Sylvia Faughn and guest speaker Tricia Bradley.
Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance was $2174.20, receipts of $17.00, disbursements of $199.00, giving us a balance of $1992.20.
Old Business: Debbie said that next month she will have a listing of the new plantings that we will need for the Butterfly Garden.
This month if you buy a yard sign, you will also get a $10.00 gift card to Plants For All Seasons.
The engraved bricks arrived and Sandra is looking into getting them put down.
Junior Gardeners: Billie would like suggestions for this project. We’re thinking of doing something for Mother’s Day or Easter. If you have any ideas, please email Billie
Seeds for Life project is still on going. Please buy a few extra packs when you stock up on your seeds and plants.
New Business: We discussed having a spring plant sale. Plants For All Seasons would let us buy vouchers to sell and we would keep a portion of the sales.
We also discussed if we want to participate in the Community Garage Sale, Randy Lemmon ‘s appearance on Feb. 14, 2012, and the Herbal Forum at Round Top.
Helen showed us an embroidered canvas bag for her garden. It folded up so it will easy to store in her garage.
Gardening Link of the
Gardening Tip of the Month: February 14 has become the traditional date around which to prune roses in the Houston area. Antique roses don’t need pruning unless you want to shape the plant.
Next meeting: March 12, 2012 at CCL Community Center.
Bonnie won the door prize which was donated by Debbie.
Thanks to Helen and Nicole for being hostesses this month.
Sandra adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Mausolf
Monday, February 20, 2012
February 2012 Yard of the Month
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