President Sandra Gilbert called the meting of the CCL Garden
Club to order at 7:00 PM at the CCL Com. Center.
She acknowledged December birthdays: Helen, Norma, and Beverly. January birthdays are Bonnie and Billie.
The yard of the month recipients are Doc and Peggy Stokley.
Doc was present for our meeting and he and Peggy are our newest members.
Attendees: Sandra
Gilbert, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathy Booth, Billie
Fontana, Debbie Haluch, Patti Foucha, Ann Schmidt, Helen Lombardo, Beverly
Allen and speaker Bruce Cameron.
Bruce Cameron from Orchid Obsession provided a wonderfully informative program on orchids. |
PROGRAM: Bruce Cameron from Orchid Obsession gave an
informative talk on the different kinds of orchids and how to take care of
Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of
the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report: Beginning and ending balances for Dec. 2012
and Jan. 2013 are $2112.96. No receipts or disbursements for Dec. or Jan.
BUSINESS: Helen gave
us an update on the Butterfly Garden.
She said it looks good and the bulbs they planted are coming up.
Sandra, Marcia, Debbie and Patti are on the Nominating
Committee for the coming year. They will
meet within the next 2 weeks.
We discussed having our meetings at the new CCL Rec. Center
but will continue to meet at the Community Center.
Billie and Bev will be committee chairwomen again this year
for our Kids' Garden Event. It is
tentatively set up for May 4, 2013.
Seeds for Life project is still collecting seeds for our
drought areas in Texas.
Member yard signs are still available for $17.00.
Check out our CCL GC Blog.
Jennifer posts information of all our Garden Club activities.
There is still time to buy a brick for our Butterfly
Garden. Get your information to Sandra.
Gardening Tip of the Month: “Plant bulbs, prune established
trees, and feed cool weather annuals as well as established trees and shrubs.”
Randy Lemmon, 1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.
Our next meeting will be February 11, 2013 at CCL Com.
Center. Sandra won the door prize which was donated by Bev.
Thanks to Patti and Helen for being hostesses this month.
Sandra adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM.