President, Norma
Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order
at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes
Community Center.
Allen, Jennifer
Buchert, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch,
David and Marcia Mausolf, Gigi and John Marenco and their daughters, Mike
Owens, Ann Wiseman Schmidt. Our guests were Kathi Palacious and Elizabeth Hearn.
Wiseman Schmidt invited Luis
Chamorro with The Ground Up to speak on Fertilizers and Mulch.
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the
reading of the minutes.
Congratulations: Yard of the Month winners are the
Guzman Family.
BUSINESS: Sandra will
place an order for bricks this fall. She will do this quarterly.
Larry reported that we
have 9 signs placed and will need more signs for new entrances which will be
open later in the year.
Larry also reported that
he will talk to Kyle about when
to plant the Butterfly Garden. He will send
email letting the members know the date.
Bev needs help with the
Yard of the Month selection, and will ask Ellen Jones if she can help.
BUSINESS: Norma asked everyone who is in charge of finding a
speaker to let her know, by email, the speaker’s name, who
they are with and the
theme, as soon as possible.
Norma asked if we will
continue the Youth Event.
It will be dropped, as we do not have a school
Marcia brought a flyer
for the Brookwood Holiday Lunch
and Decorating event, to be held October 15 and
16. It will
cost $ 21.95 and she will reserve a table if we get a group together.
She will send an email to members for more information.
Norma asked for ideas for
Service Projects we can do for the community. Mike suggested that we collect
food for the food bank at Christmas. Norma will check with the food bank to see
what they are lacking.
Mike announced that the
HOA will sponsor a Meet Our Policemen event on October 18.
Information will be
on the CCL website.
Mike also said that the price
of water will be going up.
John announced that the
Master Gardener Plant sale will be September 20 from 9-1 at the Bear Creek
Park, 3033 Bear Creek Dr., Houston 77084.
PRIZE: Thank you to Sandra for bringing the spider plant (won
by Kathi Palacious). Luis also brought
numerous items from The Ground Up. Everyone attending took home a door prize.
Thank you to Bev and Larry for being hostess
this month!
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: Many nurseries and garden centers
start having clearance sales. Many sales boast prices up to 75% off. It’s a
good time to stock up on bargain plants, considering that October is reputed to
be the best month to plant things.
Randy Lemmon, 1001 Garden Line Questions with Randy Lemmon.
MEETING: October 12,
2015 at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center. Meeting adjourned at 9