Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Club Meeting

President, Beverly Allen, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.

It was announced that Yard of the Month will resume next month.

Those in attendance included: Bev Allen, Larry Allen, Jennifer Buchert, Debbie Haluch, Marcia Mausolf, Dave Mausolf, Bonnie Segura, Kathie Corbett and Ann Wiseman.

A motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.

Business: Bev discussed various garden club initiatives including the Butterfly Garden. Larry will be in contact with Kyle Franklin to determine what will be planted. The club also discussed making an effort to plant milkweed for monarch caterpillars. Planting will take place in May.
CCLGC needs volunteers to sign up for the community Easter egg hunt table.  The event is held at newer Community Center below Tuckerton – here we will also have registration for the Junior Gardener event. Several members are planning to attend the Bluebonnet Garden Club’s “Art in Blossom” event in Brenham, Texas on April 9. Individuals must purchase their own tickets.

Mark Klym from Texas Parks and Wildlife presented a workshop on attracting and keeping hummingbirds and butterflies in our gardens. Texas has 18 hummingbird species. He is a co-author of the book, Hummingbirds of Texas, published by Texas A&M University Press.

Thank you to Kathie Corbett for being hostess this month!

Gardening tip of the month: “Feed azaleas and camellias once they are finished blooming. Hen feed again in six weeks. If lacebugs are a problem, feed with systemic azalea foods.” Randy Lemmon, 1001 Garden Line Questions with Randy Lemmon.

The next meeting will be April 13, 2015 at the Cypress Creek Lakes community center.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.