Monday, April 13, 2015

April General Meeting

Bev Allen opened the meeting at 7pm with Debbie Haluch, Cathy Oland, Karl Oland, Larry Allen, Sandra Gilbert, Norma Chiramonte, Kathy Corbin, Dale Smothers, Marcia Mausolf, Dave Mausolf, Mike Owens and the Marenco family.

Patricia Bradberry, Master Gardener, presented herb growing to club members.  She explained medical values plus growing tips.  Patricia brought drinks, dips and jellies made from her herb garden.

Motion passed to dispense reading of minute meetings.

Sandra has one order for engraved brick.

Butterfly Garden planting will take place Saturday, May 16th starting at 8am.  Helen Lombardo will layout gardening plans and coordinate plants with Kyle Franklin.  Larry Allen will coordinate with Helen and Kyle to get the plants dug up and soil turned.

Norma is heading up the Jr Gardener event for May 2nd.  There are 20 kids signed up to participate in making plant pots for Mother’s Day.  This event will be held at Community Center from 10am – 2pm.

CCL Board has presented a cash donation which will be used to purchase items for Jr. Gardener Mother’s Day event.

Kathie Corbett has volunteered to be Secretary/ Treasurer for CCLGC’s Sept 2015- May 2016 member meetings.

Thank you Sandra for the delicious treats.