Saturday, May 16, 2015

Beautiful Planting Weather Morning

Cypress Creek Lakes garden club members Bev Allen, Larry Allen, Sandra Gilbert, Mike Owens, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Jennifer Buchert, Cathy Oland, Debbie Haluch and the Marenco family gathered early morning to replant our subdivision’s butterfly garden.

We planted 108 White Angelonia, 90 Purple Angelonia, 90 White Vincas and 90 Red Pentas plus 10 bags of mulch to make the garden look stunning.

Special thanks to Kyle Franklin and the IMS group who had removed the old plants, turned the soil and finish the prep work prior to our planting.  Helen did a fabulous plant layout design.  Larry coordinated the entire project and supplied food and drinks. 

Cricket patiently watched over us.

                                                       CCLGC…where neighbors grow together…

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Jr Gardener's Event

Neighborhood Children and Youth gathered at the Community Center to decorate pots and plant herbs for Mother's Day presents.  Here are a few pictures.

Thank you Norma for coordinating a beautiful Mother's Day project!