President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to
order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.
IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bev & Larry Allen, Jennifer
Buchert, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch,
Elizabeth Hearn, Ellen & Mark Jones, John & Julianna Marenco, David
& Marcia Mausolf, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, Ann Wiseman Schmidt,
wonderful program was brought to us by Debbie Haluch. The speaker was Charlene
Perry who set up a huge display and talked about Worms for Composting: How to
create a rich soil amendment for your garden. Her presentation was very
informative on a subject that was new to many of us.
Yard of the Month: The Charles McDaniel Family.
Thank you to Debbie Haluch for being hostess
this month!
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the
reading of the minutes.
BUSINESS: Sandra reported that since we had not had more brick
purchases that we would get the brick installed. She also reminded us that the
bricks make wonderful and lasting gifts.
Larry reported that the Butterfly Garden planting is
set for this Saturday (November 14) at 8 am. Kyle will be preparing the area on
Thursday. The weather should be great.
BUSINESS: Norma reminded us that the next meeting is a Christmas
Party at her home on December 11 at 7 pm. She will provide a ham and drinks and
the members will provide snacks (A-F), side dishes (G-M) and desserts (N-Z).
She asked that we email her what dish we are bringing so there will not be
duplicates. Club will donate $200.00 to the CAM Food Bank and members
can add to donation.
Elizabeth Hearn volunteered to chair the Jr. Gardener
Event which will be the week before Mother’s Day, Saturday, April 30th.
Everyone is encouraged to help with the event.
In April, we will have a speaker on decorating gourds
which Norma will coordinate.
Mike suggested thinning Oak and Pine trees in
PRIZE: Was provided by Bev & Larry and won by Ellen
Jones. Cathy Oland also provided a door price won by Jennifer Buchert
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: Plant pansies and other cool season
annuals. Cyclamens are the best cool season annual for shady situations (also
try Snapdragons and Dianthus). Consider pinching back garden mums to encourage
new blooms. Thanksgiving is considered the best time to start planting
daffodils and narcissus. Prepare to move Plumerias for forced winter
1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.