President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.
PROGRAM: Melissa Yahner presented Patti Suler with HCMGA, who spoke on Butterfly Gardening plants, Propagation tips, and Photography based gifts. Norma will get Patti’s notes and email them to the club members.
HOSTESS: Thank you to Bev and Larry for being hostess this month!
DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Doc and Peggy for the door prize, won by Cathy Oland.
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes.
OLD BUSINESS: Committee Reports
Bricks: Sandra reminded us that bricks make wonderful memorials and gifts.
Butterfly Garden: Larry said the planting was a great success and was planted in record time, due to the 16 volunteers and Kyle placing the plants for us.
Signs: Larry said that will not need more signs. Ian will help place the signs.
Field Trips: Beth reminded us that the dinner at Romero’s is this Friday, November 18 at 7. She said 25 members are coming and will send reminders on Wednesday.
Jr Gardener Event: Liz said she is still working on the event.
Blog: Debbie said that she would post the blog this week.
Christmas Party: Norma said that the party will be at her house on December 9, starting at 7. She will provide a ham. Last names from A – J will bring desserts, K – Z will bring appetizers and side dishes. Norma will send Evite to members and guests. Everyone should bring a gift of not more than $ 30.00 value, to participate in the gift exchange.
Community Project: We voted to adopt a K-9 unit with 9 dogs and their handlers, who have been deployed. They provided us with a wish list. The club voted to buy items from their list. Norma will buy the items and get them shipped.
February 13 Meeting: The club house (Community Center) is being remodeled in the month of February. Norma has reserved the Phase 3 Community Center for that meeting. The members voted to have the meeting there instead of skipping the meeting.
Gardening Checklist of the Month: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬If you know a freeze is coming, water the landscape plants thoroughly around the root zone. Since the ground never freezes along the Gulf Coast, it is one of the best ways to keep plants safe during colder weather. 1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.
Christmas Party: December 9, 2016 7:00
Program: Christmas Party At the Chiaramonte home
Hospitality: A-J bring desserts K-Z bring side dish or appetizer
Door Prize: Gift Exchange