THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bev & Larry Allen, Jennifer Burchert, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Dale Smothers, Liz Hearn, Ellen & Mark Jones, Marcia & Dave Mausolf, Mike Owens, Peggy & Doc Stokely, Melissa Yahner, and guests Shauna & Jerry Ethridge

YARD OF THE MONTH: Kathie announced that Shauna and Jerald Ethridge were the recipients of the Yard of the Month.
HOSTESS: Thank you to Bonnie Buhl for being hostess this month!
DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Bonnie Buhl for the door prize, won by Mike Owens .
OLD BUSINESS: Committee Reports
Bricks: Sandra said that no bricks were purchased this month.
Butterfly Garden: Larry said that he would email us as to the date for planting the Butterfly Garden.
Yard of the Month: Kathie gave the YOM certificate to the Ethridges.
Blog: Debbie told us about the Youth Horticulture events going on during the Livestock Show. She said there were multiple judged events including: Dining with Flare, Flower Arranging, Photography, Containers, Table Centerpieces, Miniscapes and Sunflower planting. These events are held on the 2nd floor of NRG. She also asked us to send ideas for the Blog.
Jr. Gardener Event: Liz brought examples of pots to be used for the event and explained that the kids would paint the pots, go out to see the firetruck and come back in to finish planting in the pots. She sent a sign-up sheet around for volunteers to man the table to sign up kids for the event at the Easter Egg Hunt on April 9 from noon to 5pm. We also talked about signs to advertise the event. Larry will get some prices.
HOA Donation: Norma applied for a $500.00 donation from the HOA to help with the Jr Gardener Event expenses. It was approved.
Firetruck Donation: Norma has asked the fire department to send a firetruck over for the event and suggested we make a donation to the Fire Department for their time. Peggy suggested a $ 250.00 donation and the club agreed.
Federation Meeting: Norma announced that Zone 7 will be the host for the meeting on April 14. We will take a tray of food and a plant to be auctioned at the meeting. We will carpool from the clubhouse at 8:45 and a sign-up sheet was passed for members wanting to go.
April Meeting: The program at the April meeting will be a plant swap and Show and Tell. A sign-up sheet was passed for those wanting to do a presentation at the meeting.
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: Fertilize Roses once a month from now until the end of September. Roses are HEAVY FEEDERS.
1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.
NEXT MEETING: April 10, 2017 at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.
SPEAKER: Members Show and Tell and Plant Swap
HOSTESS: Ellen & Mark Jones
DOOR PRIZE: Ellen & Mark Jones
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15p.m.