Monday, April 10, 2017

April 2017 General Garden Meeting

President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Liz Hearn, Ellen & Mark Jones, Ian McWilliam, Marcia & Dave Mausolf, Ann Wiseman Schmidt, Peggy & Doc Stokley, Melissa Palacios Yahner

PROGRAM: The program was presented by the members. Kathie demonstrated a technique to plant multiple plants in a single container; Ellen showed a variety of plants; Liz told us about the Jerusalem Artichoke and brought samples of them along Aloe Vera cuttings to share; Norma brought several Peruvian lily bulbs and plants for the presenters; Ann talked about Plumeria and brought seeds; and Ian asked about Blueberry plant. We had a very interesting meeting

YARD OF THE MONTH: Kathie announced that TATE & JODI MORTON were the recipients of the Yard of the Month.                                                          

HOSTESS:  Thank you to Ellen & Mark Jones for being hostess this month!

DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Ellen Jones for the door prize, won by Melissa Palacios Yahner.

MINUTES: Marcia made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and was seconded by Doc.

OLD BUSINESS: Committee Reports
Signs: Larry said that 4 new signs will be ordered when we need them. We have the sign holders.
Blog: Norma said that Debbie had updated the Blog and website.
Bricks: One brick was sold at the Easter Egg Hunt.
Butterfly Garden:  Larry said that the planting will be May 20 at 8 am.


Jr Gardener Event: Liz reported that 55 people has signed up for the event. We will send a reminder to those that had signed up and to those who came last year. Liz asked for help sending those emails. Larry will check with Kyle on the purchase of the plants for the event. A sign-up sheet was passed for help at the event.

Bricks:  Norma reminded any past officers that this would be a great time to order a brick for their term of service.

Field Trip:  Marcia told us about the Heritage Gardeners in Friendswood Spring Garden Tour on April 29 and 30 from 1-5.

Dinner:  Norma asked if we would like to have a final dinner in May. She suggested Tutto Bene Italian restaurant on Mason Rd. We selected May 19 as the date for the dinner.

New Officers:  Norma reminded the members that at the next meeting we must nominate and vote for a President and Secretary/Treasurer for the next 2 years.

Norma thanked the presenters and gave a plant to each one who spoke.

GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: This is a great month to view wildflower trails. 1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.