Monday, October 9, 2017

October General Meeting

Ellen Jones opened the meeting at 7pm

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED:  Beverly and Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch and Dale Smothers, Ellen and Mark Jones, Marcia and David Mausolf.

And, a big welcome to the following new members also in attendance:  Sandy Haupton, AJ Challagundla, Wendy and Joseph D'Virgilio,  and Bill Sonne. 

AJ Challagundla was a guest at our September meeting and spoke about his experiences in growing Asian vegetables in Houston. He graciously volunteered to share his knowledge and experiences at the October meeting.  AJ moved here from Oregon three years ago and in that short time has developed a network of over 100 fellow vegetable gardeners in Cypress, Katy, Sugarland and New Orleans. They share knowledge, tips, seeds and seedlings.
His presentation was full of planting and growing information along with descriptions of each plant and pictures of his bountiful harvests. See full presentation below.

Host:  Thank you to Marcia Mausolf for the delicious cupcakes and door prize.   Larry Allen was the winner of the door prize of hand decorated towels and seasonal hand soap.


SECOND LOCATION CCL COMMUNITY GARDEN:  Norma gave the following update:  CCL developer Mischner, has appropriated an area for the CCL Garden Club to create a second community garden.  The area is on the grounds near the club house on Brazos Sage Drive.  Our landscape contractor, Kyle, has helped determine the best spot for planting.  A theme for the garden is yet to be determined. We will be coordinating with the landscape contractor in the new location to determine soil and irrigation needs. Norma is finalizing the details with the CCL Developer, Mischner, and she will provide an update next month.  At that time, we will discuss funding needs, design details and next steps.

BUTTERFLY GARDEN PLANTING:  Larry is working with landscaper regarding the upcoming fall planting and will let us know if it will be November 4 or 11.  It is a fun event and all those available to help on a Saturday morning are encouraged to participate.

GARDEN CLUB FIELD TRIP: Marcia arranged to visit Brookwood for lunch and a Christmas program. Six club members plan to attend on Friday, October 13.  They will be leaving from the Club House parking lot at 8:50 am.

BUTTERFLY GARDEN DEDICATION BRICKS:  Sandra said that 4 engraved bricks were shipped Monday and will be arriving shortly. She will email copy of invoice to Bonnie for payment and arrange to have bricks installed.


YARD OF THE MONTH:  Congratulations to Rigina Throop and Michael Alexander.

SEPTEMBER MEETING MINUTES:  Norma made a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes and Mark seconded.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  Bonnie provided an overview of the past two months including starting balance, expenditures, and closing balance.  There were no questions or discussion.

PROGRAM GAPS:  Bev volunteered for refreshments at November meeting and Debbie will provide Door Prize and refreshments in January. Ellen volunteered to obtain speaker for March meeting.

Door Prize
Oct – Bonnie Buhl
AJ Challagundla – Growing Asian Vegetables
Marcia Mausolf
Marcia Mausolf
Nov – Bev and Larry Allen
Rob Melloy – CCL, HOA President – our community
Lindsey Zaccari
Bev and Larry Allen
Jan – Debbie Haluch
Topic TBD
Marcia Mausolf
Debbie Haluch
Feb – Mike Owens
Kyle Franklin
Mike Owens
Mike Owens
March – Ellen Jones
Topic TBD
Bonnie Buhl
Bonnie Buhl
April – Norma Chiaramonte
Topic TBD
Norma Chiaramonte
Norma Chiaramonte
May – Mark Jones
Topic TBD
Mark Jones
Mark Jones

The next CCL Garden Club meeting will be November 13, 2017
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM

October Speaker AJ Challagundla Presentation