Craig A Jacobs and Lorena Byington from The Ground Up, the largest high performance mulch, soil and compost manufacturer in Houston. Their Compost manufacturing philosophy is to produce the best performing product at a competitive price and their compost contains only green vegetative waste. They provided a number of helpful tips including the importance of aeration to correct compacted soil conditions, using compost in place of mulch, and the importance of remembering that Fertilizers are not Food and will not resolve soil problems on their own.
Hosts: Thank you to Debbie Haluch for arranging the program and to Debbie Haluch
and Dale Smothers for the delicious refreshments.
The door prize won by Liz
Hearn was a beautiful hand carved wood birdhouse ornament made by Dave Mausolf
and given by Dave and Marcia Mausolf.
Old Business:
It has been clarified that CCL Garden Club can be promoted and is open to all sections of CCL.
An article in the Pinpoint magazine will feature the CCL Garden Club and is in process for early spring.
Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte and Debbie are the CCL Garden Club representatives on the CCL Community Enhancement Committee.
It has been clarified that CCL Garden Club can be promoted and is open to all sections of CCL.
An article in the Pinpoint magazine will feature the CCL Garden Club and is in process for early spring.
Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte and Debbie are the CCL Garden Club representatives on the CCL Community Enhancement Committee.
CCL Butterfly Garden ll
Developer, Mischner is coordinating the installation with Westco and Crest Management wants to get approval of irrigation design.
Based on the importance of good soil emphasized in tonight’s program and the continued excellent soil quality in the original Butterfly Garden it was suggested that we ensure that we will have the same soil quality in Garden ll. Norma will follow up with Westco to ensure this requirement is met.
Yard of the month awards will now take place April through October.
Norma made a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes and Marcia seconded.
Bonnie provided an overview of the past two months including starting balance, receipts and closing balance. There were no questions or discussion.
Marcia announced that Buchanan’s Native Plants a Houston Garden Center devoted to Texas Native Plants and organic gardening will have a program 1/27 on Spring Tomatoes and another 2/10 on Growing Spring Vegetables. They are located at 611 E 11th St, Houston 77008. For more information call 713-861-5702
Ellen will host a planning meeting in late January or early February. She will work with Liz and Lyn to determine the date for the meeting and send out an email. Volunteers for the event will be greatly appreciated.
The next CCL Garden Club meeting will be February 12,2018.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM
Norma made a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes and Marcia seconded.
Bonnie provided an overview of the past two months including starting balance, receipts and closing balance. There were no questions or discussion.
Marcia announced that Buchanan’s Native Plants a Houston Garden Center devoted to Texas Native Plants and organic gardening will have a program 1/27 on Spring Tomatoes and another 2/10 on Growing Spring Vegetables. They are located at 611 E 11th St, Houston 77008. For more information call 713-861-5702
Ellen will host a planning meeting in late January or early February. She will work with Liz and Lyn to determine the date for the meeting and send out an email. Volunteers for the event will be greatly appreciated.
The next CCL Garden Club meeting will be February 12,2018.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM