THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Dale Smothers, Ellen and Mark Jones, Larry Allen,
Elizabeth Hearn, Sharon Morris and Cathy Oland.
Annie Britton, Master Gardener gave an interesting
presentation on creating a habitat to attract butterflies. Different species of
butterflies will only lay eggs on specific plant leaves and they have organs in
their feet that tell them when they are on the right plant. Our region has over
250 butterfly species.
Annie has over 20 years of experience raising butterflies
in this area.She will be sending out a list of the recommended plants which
will be posted here. She has also agreed to work with us in providing
recommendations for plantings in our community Butterfly Garden.
HOSTS: Thank you to Ellen Jones for arranging the
Refreshments and Door Prize were provided by Bonnie Buhl.
The door prize won by Liz Hearn was a colorful pot of Gerber Daisies. An
additional door prize of plant food was provided by Cathy Oland and won by
Debbie Haluch.
Jr Gardening Event - a productive planning meeting was
held on March 6 at the Home of Ellen Jones. Attending the meeting were
Elizabeth Hearn, Debbie Haluch, Norma Chiaramonte, Bill Sonne and Bonnie Buhl.
Liz agreed to and has created a large wooden sigh board.
It will be painted with chalk paint and decorated with large flowers. It will
be displayed at the Bunny Brunch at St Aidan’s with an announcement of the Jr
Gardening event. The sign board will also be used for photo opps at our event.
We will be receiving money from the HOA and IMS
Landscaping will donate the flowers. Norma has confirmed arrangements for a
Fire Truck to be present and the Fire Dept is trying to arrange for a Police
Car to be on site as well.
In the past, we have donated to Fire Station 3 on Telge
Road. Larry Allen made a motion to do the same this year and Mark Jones
seconded the motion.
Ellen was contacted by PinPoint Magazine. They will run
an advertisement in April edition. Focusing on promoting the Jr Gardener Event
and highlight open enrollment opportunity at CCLGC.
Larry will investigate having about 15: 18X24 inch signs
printed and Liz will provide the sign format and information.
Butterfly Garden I- IMS has planted petunias and we will
schedule a workday for full planting in early June.
Norma made a motion to dispense with reading of the
minutes and Mark seconded.
Bonnie announced that there had been no deposits or
withdrawals in the month of February and the balance remained the same.
Ellen will send an email to all members regarding the
Bluebonnet Garden Club Annual Flower Show in Brenham.
Ellen and Mark visited a stone business on FM 2920 to
research cost and availability of a garden stone. They presented pictures of
two stones as possibilities for Butterfly Garden II. Cost for engraving,
delivery and set up is approximately $1400.00. At this time, no date has been
confirmed for the new garden.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.