Monday, September 10, 2018

September General Meeting

Our meeting was called to order at 7pm by President Ellen Jones.

Returning Members:  Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Sandy Haumpton, Liz Hearn, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Ian McWilliam, Nicole McWilliam, David Mausolf, Marcia Mausolf, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, and Dale Smothers.
New Member:  Ann Sansbury           Guests:  Dan and Dotti Schmoker

Robert “Skip” Richter, County Extension Agent with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service presented an informative program on choosing Perennials for all four seasons.  The program was interactive and followed by a question and answer session.  Special note was made of the website: This website is available to submit questions and photos for identification or diagnosis.

Refreshments and Door Prize:
Refreshments were provided by Mark Jones and the Door Prize was awarded to Sandra Gilbert

Meeting Minutes:
Welcome new member, Ann Sansbury and guests, Dan and Dotti Schmoker
Key CCL Garden Club Dates were highlighted:
Monthly Meetings: 
October 8, November 12, January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8 and May 13
Sign Up Sheet for speaker, door prize, and refreshments was circulated.

Special Events:
Christmas Party Friday, December 7, 7 pm at the Jones’
Jr. Gardener Event Saturday, May 4

Federation Updates:
New meeting location – First Christian Church 1601 Sunset Boulevard
Meets 2nd Friday of each Month
September 14 meeting 10 am –  Speaker Jim Blackburn: Neutralizing our Individual Carbon Footprint.  Ellen and Bonnie plan to attend and offered to car pool for anyone wanting to attend
Holiday Meetings:
October 12 meeting at 10 am – A Witches Brew – Holiday Flower Show
December 14 Christmas Luncheon, 9:30 – 2:00, $30, Silent Auction and Speaker Bill McKinley from Binz School of Floral Design

Committee Chairs Positions and Updates:
·       Blog – Debbie Haluch
·       Brick Fundraiser – After years of dedicated service, Sandra Gilbert has retired from her role.  Mike Owens volunteered to take on the responsibility.  Special thanks to Sandra and Mike.
·       Butterfly Garden Seasonal Planting – Larry Allen
·       Butterfly Garden II Implementation – Norma Chiaramonte.  Norma advised that it will be at least another month before we have the opportunity to coordinate next steps with the new landscape provider for the second Butterfly Garden on Brazos Sage
·       Field Trip and Events – Marsha Mausolf announced the annual fieldtrip to Brookwood and asked all who are interested to let her know their preferred date of October 18 or 19.  The cost is $22.95 per person.  It was agreed that those who are interested in attending will let Marcia know at the October 8 meeting and provide payment at that time. 
·       Jr. Gardener Event – Liz Hearn and Lyn Mc William – Bonnie provided a financial recap of the event
·       Outreach and Socials– Norma Chiaramonte – Norma is planning a social gathering at Café Roma on Telge Road for Friday, September 28.  She will send an email to all with details and RSVP
·       Sign Placement – Larry Allen and Ian Mc William
·       Social Media (Facebook, CCL website) – Norma Chiaramonte
·       Yard of the Month – After many years of dedicated service and excellent selections, Bev Allen has retired from her Committee leadership.  No YOM was awarded for September and Ellen and Norma will choose the YOM for October.  A request was made for a volunteer to fill this position for April – October 2019

New Business:      2018 – 2019 Projects

Butterfly Garden Seasonal Planting
Update on successful results of last planting with greater focus on plants to attract butterflies
Plans for fall planting will be discussed in October

Butterfly Garden II Update – delayed discussion regarding implementation for at least 1-2 months

Jr. Gardener Event – Treasure update on 2018 event was given

Gardening Tip for September – Plant winter pansies and fall annuals (calendula, dianthus, ornamental cabbage and kale) later in the month

Our October 8th speaker will be Ann Sansbury. Her topic is vermicomposting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45