Monday, October 8, 2018

October Monthly Meeting

Meeting Attendees:  Beverly Allen, Larry Allen, Juanita Benjamin, Ronda Benjamin, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, David Mausolf, Marcia Mausolf, Mike Owens, and Ann Sansbury.  A special welcome to our guests Juanita and Ronda Benjamin!

Program:  The program speaker, Ann Sansbury, a CCL resident and CCL Garden Club member, provided an interactive discussion on Vermicomposting.  She discussed the process of using red wiggler worms along with organic material such as shredded paper, cardboard, egg shells, coffee grounds, leaves, grass and organic foods to create a nutrient rich compost known as vermicast.
In addition to providing an ideal growing medium for the garden, an equally beneficial outcome of using this process is that it greatly reduces the amount of waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill.
Ronda Benjamin was grateful to win the speaker’s door prize of Vermicast.  Special thanks to Debbie Haluch for inviting Ann to be our speaker. 
Break/Refreshments:  Refreshments were provided by Bev and Larry Allen and Debbie Haluch.  Bonnie Buhl won the meeting door prize, a fall garden decoration, provided by Beverly and Larry Allen. 

Meeting Highlights:
A motion was made by Norma Chiaramonte and seconded by Marcia Mausolf to dispense of reading of the September 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes.  All meeting minutes can be found on our blog.

Monthly Treasurer Report was present by Bonnie Buhl, Secretary/Treasurer.  The report was accepted as read.

Monthly Meetings: 
­   Ellen Jones is responsible for the speaker program on November 12.  She advised that CCL HOA President for Sections 1 & 2, Rob Melloy will join us.  Ellen is in the process of confirming the participation of Kelly Doyle, CCL HOA President for Section 3
­   Volunteers needed to attain Speaker for January and May meetings.  Ronda Benjamin volunteered to recruit a speaker for one these months.  Mark Jones volunteered to acquire a speaker for the remaining slot and asked if there were any specific topics of interest.  Norma suggested information on growing succulents.

Houston Garden Club Federation Updates:
Ellen provided updates on the Federation Activities and Awards:

New meeting location – First Christian Church 1601 Sunset Boulevard, 2nd Friday of each Month
Holiday Meetings and Garden Symposium:
­   October 12 meeting at 10 am – A Witches Brew – Holiday Flower Show
­   October 19-20 – Southern Garden Symposium, St. Francisville, LA
­   December 14 Christmas Luncheon, 9:30 – 2:00, $30, Silent Auction and Speaker Bill McKinley from Binz School of Floral Design

Houston Garden Club Federation awards granted to CCL Garden Club:
­   10th Anniversary Certificate
­   Garden Angel Certificate presented to Debbie Haluch.  This award was voted on at a prior meeting by CCL Club Members to acknowledge outstanding contribution of a club member.
­   President’s Report Honorable Mention presented to Ellen Jones for 2017-18 report

Square Foot Gardening Workshop Initiation:
­   CCL Garden Club Member, Debbie Haluch invited all who are interested to a Square foot Gardening Presentation at her home on Saturday, October 13th at 10 am.  

Committee Chair Updates:
Blog – Debbie Haluch – in addition to Debbie’s ongoing commitment to maintain the CCL Garden blog, she has begun to highlight club information on Next Door and encouraged all to “like” the CCL Garden Club page on Facebook to create greater awareness

Brick Fundraiser – Mike Owens provided highlight information for newcomers

Butterfly Garden Seasonal Planting – Larry Allen presented the design plan and plant selection for the fall planting including milkweed and zinnias.  All are encouraged to participate in planting the fall garden on Saturday November 10 at 8:00 am.  Larry will also ask Kyle with IMS landscape services to prune the Magnolia tree near the Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden II Implementation – Norma Chiaramonte advised that once the new landscape contract is established for Section 3 we will have more information on an implementation plan

Field Trip and Events – Marsha Mausolf
All who signed up for the Brookwood Luncheon Gala and Program on Thursday October 18 will meet at the clubhouse to carpool at 9:00 am

Jr. Gardener Event – Liz Hearn and Lyn McWilliam – no updates

Outreach – Norma Chiaramonte
There was general discussion on a holiday outreach program focused on Senior Care Homes.  Norma will research ideas and present a recommendation at the November 12 meeting

Sign Placement – Larry Allen and Ian McWilliam – no updates                  

Social Gatherings – Norma Chiaramonte
Nine members enjoyed a fun evening at Café Roma last month

Social Media (Facebook, CCL website) – Norma Chiaramonte
It was agreed that emphasis on CCL website in addition to individual member postings is necessary to create greater awareness of club activities

Yard of the Month
The judging for October was done by Norma Chiaramonte and Ellen Jones. The October YOM was awarded to Donald Allison and Deborah (Dee) Vangessel

Beverly Allen has decided to retire as chairperson.  All expressed appreciation to Beverly for providing many years of dedicated service as YOM chairperson.

A Volunteer for Chair Position is needed - Next judging for YOM is April

Gardening Tips for October:
October is best month for dividing and moving bulbs and perennials, such as Lilies and Iris
Time to plant 10-15 onions…how they got their name?  10/15 is the optimum planting date

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Upcoming Monthly Meeting- Vermicomposting

Our October speaker is CCL resident, Ann Sansbury.

Ann Sansbury will be presenting Vermicomposting.

How to reduce your waste and improve soil without harmful chemicals. She has 10+ years practicing this method with worms.