Meeting started at 7:00 pm with President Debbie Haluch introducing presenter Susie Marten.
and Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Ellen and Mark
Jones, David and Marcia Mausolf, Ian and Nicole McWilliam, Cathy Oland, Louise Rugaard
(New Member), Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers
Marten, Native Plant Outreach Specialist for the Katy Prairie Conservancy spoke
about prairie conservation and planting native plants for pollinators.
were provided by Debbie Haluch and Dale Smothers.
– May 13, 2019
Meeting Minutes – a motion was made and seconded to dispense with reading of
the minutes.
Report - Treasurer Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer, Ann
Sansbury and approved by all
of the Season – Phase 3 Winner – Joseph Kazmir, No winner was chosen for
Phase 2.
Bricks – 10 new bricks are here, 9 for
Phase 1 and 1 for Phase 3.
· Sign-up
sheet for refreshments and door prizes was passed around.
· Two
changes to the current By Laws were proposed and accepted:
1. The maximum amount paid to speakers is
increased to $50.00. Motion was made to accept this change by Ellen Jones and
seconded by Bonnie Buhl and passed unanimously.
2. Committees and respective duties will
be added. Committees will be Signs, Yard of the Season, Communication, Tours,
Social/Outreach, Jr. Garden Event, Fundraiser, Membership and Garden Angel. Motion
was made to accept this change was made by Marcia Mausolf and seconded by
Beverly Allen and passed unanimously.
· Committee
Chairmen for 2019-2020 are:
Signs – Larry Allen &
Ian McWilliam
Yard of the Season – Ann
Sansbury & Norma Chiaramonte
Communication – Ann
Sansbury & Debbie Haluch
Tours – Marcia Mausolf
Social/Outreach – Norma
Jr. Garden Event – Liz
Hearn & Lyn McWilliam
Fundraiser – Mike Owen
Membership – Open
Garden Angel – Open
· Federation
Meeting will be Friday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m. Debbie and Ann will be going
if anyone else would like to join them.

· Everyone
is encouraged to get their yards butterfly certified. Two websites for
certification are and We
are looking into using one website for each garden.
Suggestion: A good book recommended for anyone who
makes compost for use in a landscaping project is Teaming with Microbes.
Tips of the Month:
· Later
in September is the time to apply lawn fertilizer to keep the grass healthy
growing right up to first frost. Fall fertilized lawns are better equipped to
make it through the winter and resume growth next spring than lawns that
receive no fertilizer.
· Got
a problem with vegetation: Take pictures and email Skip Richter at
Meeting concluded at 9:00 pm