Thursday, October 17, 2019

Luncheon with Garden Club members and friends

Cafe at Brookwood Luncheon

Each year, garden club members and friends enjoy lunch and a holiday decorating program at Brookwood Community Center.  Brookwood is a God-centered educational, residential, and entrepreneurial community
for adults with disabilities.

Monday, October 14, 2019

October General Monthly Meeting

 Meeting was called to order by President Debbie Haluch at 7:00 pm.

Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Norma Islam, Ellen and Mark Jones, David and Marcia Mausolf, Ian and Nicole McWilliam, Cathy Oland, Ken and Jane Richardson (New Members), Mike Roberts, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers.

Speaker: John Ferguson, Owner, Nature’s Way Resource spoke on the “Soil Food Web” and explained how biological (organic) methods work.  How they save you time and money in your gardening projects by preventing many problems. The biological methods are sustainable; greatly reduce water requirements, prevent problems, eliminate air and water pollution, and lower total management costs from property management to erosion control.

Refreshments: Refreshments and door prize were provided by David and Marcia Mausolf .

Minutes –  September 9 Meeting Minutes – a motion was made by Norma Chiaramonte and seconded  Marcia Mausolf to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer, Ann Sansbury and approved by all.

Old Business:
·       Ellen and Mark Jones are the new Garden Angels.
      We are looking for someone to head up the Membership Committee to welcome new members
      Larry Allen had emailed a proposal for new meeting announcement signs with locations. We currently have 14 full Meeting signs. Larry has 8 and Ian has 6. Larry’s are in good shape; Ian has 3 that should be replaced ( only have print on one side and all six toppers should be replaced (print only on one side). Ann Sansbury made the motion to accept this proposal and order the signs. Norma Chiaramonte seconded it and it passed unanimously.
      Butterfly Gardens – Larry Allen will no longer be coordinating the planting of the butterfly gardens. Thank you Larry for time invested in this project. Ann and Debbie will be responsible going forward. We will be replanting the Phase 1 Butterfly Garden on November 2. Debbie and Ann will be meeting with Kyle of IMS Landscaping to decide on plants.

New Business:
·       Norma Baker presented a cruise from Galveston, June 7, 2020 that would feature botanical gardens at each port of entry for the 7 day cruise.

      Phase 2 Butterfly Garden is ready to be Monarch Certified. 1) $16 to register and get way station certified; 2) $17 to post weatherproof signage – 2 ($17) = $34; 3) Monarch Waystation Brochure $15 for 100. Mark Jones made the motion to order all three; Norma seconded and it was unanimously approved.
          We are working on getting Phase 1 and 2 Butterfly Garden Butterfly Certified for North American Butterfly Association (NABA).
      We should all be working toward becoming Butterfly Certified in our own yards.
      Round Top Collection day will be Saturday November 16 all day. We will get 20% from the sale to anyone who mentions CCLGC when they check out.
Gardening Tips of the Month:
      Now that the weather is cooler, it's a good time to divide and move perennials. Do this at least several weeks prior to your average first hard frost in order to give plants time to recover from transplant shock and establish new roots. Cover garden beds with several inches of mulch for extra winter protection.
      Rather than cutting back all your perennials now, leave plants with seed heads, such as coneflowers, asters and ornamental grasses to provide food for your feathered friends through the harshest months.

Meeting was concluded at 9:15 pm