Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February General Meeting

 The February meeting was by Zoom starting at 7pm

 Attendees: Bonnie Buhl, Debbie Haluch, Ellen and Mark Jones, Marsha and Dave Mausolf, Ian McWilliam, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, Louise Rugaard, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers Tracy Walker and Ruth Westra.

 Speaker: Kyle Franklin, spoke on Finding Space for Edible Plants in our Urban Landscaping. Edible plants included berries, vegetables and fruits mixed with annual color plants. Kyle’s company, I.M.S. Landscape Services is the landscaper for Phases 1 and 2.

Minutes –  January 11 Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes. Motion was made by Mike Owens and seconded by Mark Jones.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer, Ann Sansbury and approved by all.

 Birthdays – No member birthdays this month.

 Old Business:

·       There are still organic vegetable and flower seeds available.


New Business:

·       Debbie read a note from the Young family thanking us for our Christmas donation to them.

·       Debbie will announce March speaker soon.

·       Debbie showed us plants from her yard and various items she has made from her fruit trees.