Monday, January 10, 2022

January General Meeting Minutes


Norma Charmointe, Debbie Haluch, Marcia and David Mausolf, Ellie and Dennis O’Connor, Mike Owens, Dale Smothers, Michelle Sobczak, Ruth Westra, Tracy Walker, Alma Rielly, Irma Uyeda. 

Visiting Attendees: Kelley Pritchard, Jessica and Max Prado, Joshua Bryant, Kristen Molen, Jennifer Doyle.

Speaker: Stephanie and Mike Howlett of    They brought a large variety of carnivorous plants with demonstrations of each type.  To be carnivorous, the plant must be able to attract it's prey, develop a method of containing prey and digesting it.

Topic: Carnivorous plants.

Minutes December Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes. Motion was made by Norma Charmointe and seconded by Mike Owens 

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer read the expenditure and income report. Tracy Walker has documentation on file for all to view. 

Old Business: 

Christmas Party 

Planting of the Garden November 13th 

List of individual committees that need to sign up 

New Business: Debbie brought to our attention that one of the wings from the Large butterfly signage at the Butterfly on the Brazos garden had been damaged. The group is now looking for a welder to get this fixed. 

Share Table
: We had many great plants and other items to share. 

EVENTS: Reach Unlimited on Cypress North Houston have milkweed and pollinator plants for sale. 

Next meeting: Monday, Feb 14th at 7pm