Monday, January 9, 2023

January General Meeting

Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Louise Rugaard, Dale Smothers, Tracy Walker

Speaker: Kathy Adams Clark - Attracting Birds and Butterflies to your Backyard


Refreshments: Refreshments were provided by Norma and the door prize was provided by Liz and won by Vickie Kreegor - visitor.

Minutes: We dispensed with the reading of the November/December Minutes. Motion by Norma, Seconded by Marcia.

Birthdays: Norma Chiaramonte (Dec 16), Ellie O’Connor (Dec 17)

Old Business:

● Butterfly Repairs in the two gardens have been completed and Liz will repaint them.

● Raising the stones at Butterfly Haven – motion to postpone the raising in the last meeting.

● Larry and Mike installed the 5 bricks for the garden.

● Garden Clean Up and Planting – Ann spoke about the garden cleanup on November 5 and the garden

planting on November 12 and thanked all those who participated. We have a new contact with IMS

Landscaping – Luke Walker.

New Business:

● Butterfly Repairs in the two gardens have been completed and Liz will repaint them please join her January 12th at 10am for some support.

● Junior Garden Event discussed. May 6th. Louise Rugaard will take the lead. Fire truck will be asked to attend.

● Debbie Haluch informed the group that we will now wrap the bricks around the front of the garden as we have filled up as much as we can in the other area.

Gardening Tips of the Month:

● DON'T CUT IT! When you cut back dead material on woody plants it stimulates the plant to put out new material. There is still some chance of frost so you want to wait to cut back freeze damaged plants until true spring has arrived. Now is also a good time to plan changes for the next year and start any needed seedlings.

Next meeting: Monday Feb 13th, Tricia Bradbury - Herbs people don't think of as herbs.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Garden Bricks Installed

 Thank you Larry Allen and Mike Owens for collecting and installing the Garden Bricks