Thursday, February 23, 2023

Upcoming Jr Gardening Event


Plans are underway for our Mother's Day Gift Junior Gardener Activity.  We invite local children to come, decorate a clay pot, plant a flowering plant and decorate a gift card for the fee of $5/pot. We serve popcorn and have a firetruck plus constable for the kids to see.



1) Member volunteers for 5/6, two shifts - 9 to 11 and 11 to 2. We will sign up at the March & April meetings.

2) Still looking for the leftover greeting cards from last year. OR replacement cards for this year.

3) Old button front shirts to become paint shirts for our participants.

4) Paper towels - 6 to 8 rolls

5) 3 hand soaps - 1/sink.

6) Plastic cups for brush rinse water

7) Dessert size plates for paint palettes

8) List of nearby daycare centers for posting publicity flyers and/or volunteers to post fliers.


Recap of Meeting Discussion:


Who attends: Children in area

Volunteers: CCL GC Members - 2 1/2 hour shifts AND HS Students from Key Club - shifts.

What: Children use supplies to decorate and plant a pot, plus a greeting card for the Mother's Day gift. $5/pot. Firetruck, EMT & Constables are invited to meet the kids. Popcorn will be served to participants.

When: May 6, 10 to 1. Setup 9 to 10 and cleanup 1 to 2. 

Where: CCL Community Center at 10702 Cypress Creek Bend.



To be purchased: 100 - 6" terracotta pots, acrylic paint, brushes, potting soil.


Other supplies

- Flowering plants & tree trimming above parking lot - Mike Owens

- Popcorn machine & supplies - Ellen & Mark Jones

- Hair dryers, 2 box fans & butterfly plant picks - Louise Rugaard

- Table covers & contact for youth volunteers - Norma Chiaramonte

- White rocks for holes in pots - Marsha Mausolf

- Chalkboard/photo background & sample pots - Liz Hearn

 - Publicity fliers - Tracy Walker

- Social media and dead tree publicity - Louise Rugaard

Monday, February 13, 2023

February General Meeting


Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Mike Owens, Susan Parker, Alma Reilly, Louise Rugaard, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Vickie Kreegor, Tracy Walker.

Three Visitors: Lara V, Dave and Cris Landon.

Speaker: Tricia Bradbury - Herbs

Refreshments: Refreshments were provided by Liz Hearn and the door prize was provided by Ann Sansbury and won by Ellen Jones.

Minutes: We dispensed with the reading of the January Minutes. Motion by Norma, Seconded by Mark.

Birthdays: There wasn't a member celebrating this month.

Old Business:

● Butterfly Repairs in the two gardens have been completed and Liz will repaint them.

New Business:

● Junior Garden Event discussed. May 6th. Louise Rugaard took point and discussed her options and

needs. What she has already, and the next items of her to do on list.

● Fire truck will be asked to attend the Junior Garden Event.

● Federation put out memo for Silent Auction - asking for donations.

● Check the Garden Club Federation newsletter for all the plant sales over the next two months.

Gardening Tips of the Month:

● It’s the last chance to get in cool weather plants and perennials. It’s almost time to start spring pruning as well as spring fertilizing and damage assessment for bugs. The last day for frost is Feb 27 but we could still get one as last as March 20.

Next meeting: Monday March 13th, James Holmes - Native Plants.