Monday, November 11, 2024

General Meeting November 11

 Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy Kennedy, Karl Rugaard, Louise Rugaard

Speaker: Almeda Wogan

Topic: “Lone Star Christmas”

Refreshments. and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Vickie Kreeger and door prize by Stevee Steely.

Meeting Minutes – Debbie Haluch voted to dispense with reading of the minutes. Stevee seconded the motion.

 Old Business:

·        Garden Clean out and replanting

·        Thanksgiving Meal Friday, November 15th at 7pm- Union Kitchen

·        Fire Dept donation

 New Business:

·        Volunteer roles

·        December outing- Brookwood

·        December Christmas Party

Gardening Tip of the Month – Have your soil tested. Once you get the results, amend the soil so microorganisms can break the nutrients down and make them available in time for planting.