Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara,
Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely, Jimmy Kennedy
Speaker: The
good, bad and ugly- bugs by Bob Dailey
and Door Prize – Refreshments were provided by Vickie and door prize
by Laura Lara
Minutes – Liz Hearn voted to dispense with reading of the minutes. Dale
seconded the motion.
Jr Gardening Event will be May 3rd
Gardens cleanup is Wednesday March 12th
Replanting is Saturday, March 15th
Gardening Tip of the Month – Now is the time to spray your trees, Fungicides should go on as close to the budding as possible to prevent fire blight, leaf curl and brown rot. The last day for frost is Feb 27th.