President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center. She welcomed visitors Ann Sansbury and Antonia George, and guests Helen Lombardo and Dale Smothers.
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the
reading of the minutes.
sales: Sandra reported that the bricks should be in by the
end of this month.
Garden: Larry reported that the garden is looking good. Bev
and Marcia took Helen Lombardo to see how beautiful the garden had grown.
(Helen designs the flower placement for the Butterfly Garden.) Helen said that a little rain would really
help the flowers bloom. Helen also gave the new plan for the 2016 spring garden
to Larry. He said that we would plant it in April.
Larry reported that he placed 6 signs and John had placed 3 signs. He also said
that we will need to order 3 more signs for the new entrances to the
subdivision, and that he would order them when the entrances were completed.
Norma announced that Clara Willibey would be the
speaker next month. Her subject is decorating gourds. Clara will bring gourds
for us to decorate, with her instructions for $ 10.00 per gourd. A sign-up
sheet was passed around the room and 18 members signed up for a gourd. Eighteen
members signed up to buy a gourd. Norma will send an email to members who were
not present, to see if they would like to purchase a gourd.
Norma suggested that the club purchase a commemorative
brick for the passing of a member’s immediate family (member’s parent or
child). A motion was made and passed to do so. Brick forms were given to Mark,
Dave and Peggy Sue.
Norma asked if any of the members needed name tags.
Sandra will make them up for those needing one.
Day is rose pruning time. Prune back hybrid tea and floribunda roses no shorter
than 18” in height. Make all cuts ¼”- ½” above the outward facing buds. DO NOT
PRUNE climbing roses or antique roses, until after their bloom cycle.
GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.
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