DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Marcia Mausolf for the door prize, won by Kathie Corbett. Other door prizes were won by John Marenco and Kathi Palacios.
MINUTES: A motion was made and seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes.
Jr. Gardener Event: Liz reported that there were 52 kids decorating and planting pots for Mother’s Day gifts. The event was a great success. Larry commented that there was more participation from members at the event this year guiding the children through the decorating and planting, which kept the process moving along.
Audit: Norma reported that Doc Stokley had done the audit on the club’s bank account. He found that we needed receipts on the donation we made to CAM and receipt for the dues that were paid to District IV, Houston Federation of Garden Clubs, and Texas Garden Clubs. Those receipts have been place with the bank statements.
Bricks: Sandra reported that she will probably not place any more orders for bricks until the fall.
Butterfly Garden: Larry reported that the plant change out at the garden will be done this Saturday, May 14 at 8 a.m. He asked that we all help with the planting and it should not take more than 1 ½ hours. Please bring your garden trowel and a knee pad.
Yard of the Month: Norma reported that next year there will be 2 yards chosen because of the growth of our community. She also asked for volunteers to take over this job.
Brick Installation: John reported that the five bricks will be installed on Tuesday, May 17.
Sign-Up Sheet: Norma passed the sign-up sheets for next year’s monthly speaker coordinator, hostess and door prize.
Brookwood Tours: Marcia announced that Brookwood will have Horticultural Tours of their greenhouses this summer. Tours will be Monday through Friday from 9-11 or 1-3 each day and are free. A minimum of 10 people are needed for a tour. She will coordinate getting a tour scheduled for July.
Dinner: Norma asked that we change the dinner to May 20, so it will not conflict with Memorial Day weekend. The dinner will be at Marvino’s at 7 p.m.
Planning Meeting: Norma announced that the planning meeting for next year will be August 8 at 7 p.m., at the club house. She asked that we all come to help plan next year’s activities.
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: MAY: This is the best time to start transplanting the heat loving annuals and perennials like VINCAS, CALADIUMS, ZINNIAS, PURSLANE, MOSS ROSE AND COPPER PLANTS.
1001 Garden Line Questions with Randy Lemmon.
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