President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.
THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bev and Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Debbie Haluch and Dale Smothers, Kristina Haygood, Ian and Lyn McWilliam, Dave and Marcia Mausolf, Mike Owens, Ann Wiseman Schmidt, Valerie Sterrett, Beth and Gary Weers

YARD OF THE MONTH: Bev announced that Dean and Fern Bimeler were the recipients of the Yard of the Month.
HOSTESS: Thank you to Debbie and Dale for being hostess this month!
DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Dave and Marcia for the door prize, won by Debbie Haluch.
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes.
Bricks: Sandra will continue to order bricks.
Signs: Larry reported that we will place 16 signs at entrances and the Butterfly Garden each month. Larry, John, and Ian will place the signs each month.
Honorary Member: We voted to make Helen Lombardo an Honorary Member and to place a brick at the Butterfly Garden honoring her. We will pay yearly dues to Federation for her.
Yard of the Month: Norma explained that the new section is not part of the CCL HOA and we should not include that section in the Yard of the Month selection. Therefore, we will choose only one YOM. Bev will continue to check on the recipients’ eligibility, and Norma, Ellen, Kristina and Kathie will help in the selection each month.
Butterfly Garden at Tuckerton: Since the area at Tuckerton is not part of our HOA, we will table pursuing trying to get a butterfly garden installed.
Field Trips: Beth and Valerie will coordinate these events. Marcia will coordinate the Brookwood event.
Jr Gardener Event: Liz will chair the event again. Lyn will help.
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: September is the month to start planting fall vegetables and Chrysanthemums; continue control of brown patch and grub worms; wait until late October to plant pansies and other cool season annuals.
1001 Garden Line Questions with Randy Lemmon.
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