Monday, May 8, 2017

May General Meeting

President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 
7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.

Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Dale Smothers, Liz Hearn, 
Ellen & Mark Jones, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, 
Kathi Palacios, Ann Wiseman Schmidt, Valerie Sterrett, and Melissa Palacios Yahner. Bill Sonne and Lindsey Zaccari were guests.

Rodney Crosby with the Texas Volunteer Fire Department 
Relief Fund our donation of $ 250.00 for bringing a Fire Truck
to the Jr. Gardener Event. Rodney explained what the Relief 
fund is for and how they raise money for it.

PROGRAM: Ellen asked RCW Nursery to present. Patty and Cheryl told us about several products for yard and home maintenance. A great lawn supplement is liquid molasses and seaweed used once a week. Fire ants hate granular molasses. Consan Triple Action 20 will remove algae and fungus; 
and takes the sour smell out of towels. Wet & Forget will remove mildew from siding, fences, roofs and sidewalks.

YARD OF THE MONTH: Kathie announced that Jerry & 
Shelly Lawson were the recipients of Yard of the Month. 

HOSTESS:  Thank you to Kathi Palacios for being hostess 
this month!

DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Ann Wiseman Schmidt for 
door prizes. Plants from her garden were won by Ian (Plumeria) and our guest, Bill (Mountain Laurel).

MINUTES: Ellen made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and was seconded by everyone.

OLD BUSINESS:      Committee Reports

Signs: Larry said that Ian would be helping place the signs next year.

Blog: Debbie said that the Blog and website were updated and asked the members for any ideas to add to the sites. 

Bricks: Sandra said she would be ordering bricks soon.

Butterfly Garden:  Larry said that the planting will be May 20 at 8 am. Kyle will work up the beds and deliver plants and mulch. Refreshments will be served.  Larry will send email reminders for planting help.

Jr Gardener Event: Liz reported that 51 children attended. Everything ran smoothly.  Children had a great time. The Firetruck arrived and the children enjoyed exploring it and 
talking to the firemen. We had a lot of members who helped keep the event flowing. 


Dinner:  Norma announced that the dinner site has been changed to Villa Roma Italian Restaurant, 
12640 Telge Rd., Friday, May 19 at 7 pm.

POA REQUEST:  Mike said that the POA had asked for the Garden Club members to help with the design for the planting on the new section of Cypress North Houston. They want to use plants that 
are more drought tolerant.

New Officers:  We did not nominate anyone for President or Secretary/Treasurer. We will address the nomination and election officers at the next meeting in September.

GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: The best way to control aphids on plants like Crape Myrtle and other flowering plants is to feed them a systemic Rose Food.   1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.

NEXT MEETING:  August 14, 2017 Planning Meeting
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: September 11, 2017
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Kathie Corbett

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