Monday, April 9, 2018

April General Meeting

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED:  Beverly Allen, Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Elizabeth Hearn, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Ian McWilliam, Nicole McWilliam, David Mausolf, Marcia Mausolf and Mike Owens.


Louise Ruggard, Master Gardener and local resident presented a program describing her personal experiences with Landscape Winners and Losers in Cypress Creek Lakes. There were questions and discussion around her list of winners and losers.  She also showed slides of many of the plants and trees in her yard and the impact of the winter’s hard frost on many of them.

HOST:  Thanks to Norma for arranging for the speaker and for bringing her delicious home made apple cake. Norma also provided the door prize, a beautiful floral hanging basket that was won by Nicole McWilliam.


Junior Gardening Event - Liz passed out the flyers she created and asked that they be distributed wherever possible. Announcement also posted on Facebook and Web site.

Thanks to  Peggy Sue Owens who created 80 decorative plant stickers.

Decision made to use tubs of soil and stones versus individual bags for planting the pots.

Butterfly Garden II - plans are on hold because new contracting company takes over in July. Discussions with them will be required regarding irrigation, removal of grass, turning the soil, etc.


Norma’s motion to dispense with reading of the minutes was seconded by Liz.

Bonnie provided an overview of the last month including starting balance, receipts and closing balance.

Marcia advised that the proposed trip to Books and Blooms was cancelled due to lack of participants.

Larry said that Butterfly Garden I will be planted after Memorial Day and will include some larger perennials and plants to attract butterflies. We will also have the option to place the plants in the ground ourselves or have them planted by Kyle. Larry will survey the members to determine how we want to handle.

Norma said in the past we have given Kyle a gift card to thank him for all he does for us. A motion to do again this year was made and seconded by Mark.

Ellen and Norma volunteered to assist Bev in the monthly selection.

The next and final meeting for the season will be May 14, 2018.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:40.

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