Monday, May 14, 2018

May General Meeting

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE  INCLUDED: Beverly and Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, AJ Challagundla, Norma Chiaramonte, Joe and Wendy D’Virgilio, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Sandy Haumpton, Elizabeth Hearn, Ellen and Mark Jones, Ian and Nicole McWilliam, Mike Owens and Dale Smothers.  

Tokens of Appreciation were presented to Kyle Franklin from IMS Landscape and Captain David Padovan, Cy Fair VFD for helping make our Junior Gardening Event a big success.

The beautiful flowers provided by Kyle were hand selected by each person creating a lovely pot and ultimately putting a big smile on the faces of many children, parents and grand parents in our community.

Captain Padovan and his crew on the fire truck and emergency vehicle created a fun and educational experience for both the children and adults.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to both of you.

Robert “Skip” Richter a  Master Gardner, horticulturist, garden educator, writer and photographer was our speaker. He provided a list of small, medium and large trees for Houston area Landscapes and presented slides on thirteen trees with a focus on research, selection, planting, pruning and fertilizing.

The presentation was very educational and provoked excellent questions and discussion. 

Thanks to Mark for arranging for the speaker and door prize and to AJ for the delicious cookies and water.

The door prize was a gift card from Plants For All Seasons and the lucky winner was Larry Allen.

Special thanks to Liz and Lyn for chairing such a successful event.
Discussion around our successes including improved communication  with signs and social media, record attendance, enhanced experiences - decorations, chalk board, treats, more hands on with planting and the fire truck.
Everyone was asked to think of suggestions for the 2019 event.

Bev Allen advised the selection for May was Mr. and Mrs. Michael Villarreal 

Larry said we could choose May 26 or June 16 for garden replanting. We chose May 26th and voted to do it ourselves.  We will meet at the garden at 8 AM on Saturday, May 26.

Norma’s motion to dispense with reading of the minutes was seconded by Liz.

Bonnie provided an overview of the month to date including starting balance, all transactions and closing balance.

2018-19 Planning meeting will be held at the Jones’ Monday August 13.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM

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