Speaker: Tricia
Bradbury spoke on Growing and Using Herbs.
and door prize were provided by Cathy Oland.
– February 10
Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes.
Report - Treasurer Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer, Ann
Sansbury and approved by all.
The District IV Spring Conference will be
featuring Orchids and Bouquet Arrangements.
Anyone interested in the Bluebonnet Tour
luncheon and flower show on March 26 needs to pay Marcia this evening.
Oland spoke on the contest to name the Butterfly Gardens which will start on
May 2. Committee members include Chairman Ellie O’Connor, Cathy, Norma
Chiaramonte, Alma and Bea.
Houston Orchid Society Annual Show and Sale will be April 4-5 at Memorial Mall.
· ·
spoke on the Junior Gardener Even. The committee meeting will be Tuesday, March
31 at 6:30 p.m. at 26818 Rockwood Park Lane.
There will be a tour in Antigua, Guatemala this fall. Activities include visits to different sites, nurseries and plantations; gardening with kids and festivities in the city.

Round Top
Collections will be providing metal butterflies for the garden.
will be sending and invitation to Bridgeland Garden Club members to attend the
Junior Gardener Event.
· Items:
Airplane Plants and Louisiana Iris
Tips of the Month:
Prune back your established perennials when you
see the first sign of new growth. Add the clippings to your compost pile.
This is a great time to replenish or introduce
mulch. Be sure to use environmentally friendly mulch such as organic compost,
hardwood mulch, pine bark, pine straw or even shredded leaves and grass.
Try to
stay away from dyed mulches and mulch volcanoes.
Our next meeting will be Monday, April 13, 2020. The speakers
will be Marti and Greg Graves with Lone Star Hibiscus Society.
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