President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.
THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bev and Larry Allen, Jennifer Burchert, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Kristina Haygood, Liz Hearn, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Mike Owens, Ann Wiseman Schmidt, Valeria Sterrett, Peggy and Doc Stokley, Melissa Palacios Yahner

PROGRAM: Kristina presented Fred Billing, with Buds & Blossoms. Fred spoke on Vegetable Gardening and the importance of getting the soil right. Specific conditions needed in the soil are carbon, water and air in the right proportions so the micro-organisms can work. Soil should have equal part compost, sand and top soil.
YARD OF THE MONTH: The recipients of the Yard of the Month are Dale and Theresa Stasney.
HOSTESS: Thank you to Mike and Peggy Sue Owens for being hostess this month!
DOOR PRIZE: Fred brought a flat of flowers won by Liz Hearn.
Thank you to Mike Owens for the door prize, won by Jennifer Burchert. Ann brought an Angel Trumpet plant from her yard which was won by Mark Jones.
MINUTES: A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes.
Bricks: Sandra brought a display of the Butterfly Garden brick, pictures of the bricks laid at the garden and a form to order the brick.
Signs: Larry reported that he had changed out some of the old signs. All the signs were placed.
Butterfly Garden: Larry reported that we will do the plant change-out on Saturday, November 5 at 8 am. Donuts and kolaches will be served. If Kyle places the plants as he did last time, it probably will not take more than an hour to do the planting.
Field Trips: Valerie reported that we will have a members dinner at Romero’s on Barker-Cypress at Queenston Roads on November 18.
Marcia has planned a trip to Brookwood for a program on Holiday Decorating with lunch to follow. The trip will be on October, 20. We will meet at the clubhouse at 9 am and carpool to the site. Reservations need to be made. Lunch will cost $ 21.95, payable at Brookwood. Let Marcia know if you want to go.
Yard of the Month: We will choose one yard, with the boundary stopping on the north side of Tuckerton
Honorary Member: Helen Lombardo was made an Honorary Member, because of her continuing work on the Butterfly Garden. Norma prepared a certificate for her, along with a card. The club will purchase a brick to be placed at the Butterfly Garden and will send the form for Helen to designate the wording.
Speaker of the Month: Norma has contacted the Houston Chapter of Master Gardeners requesting a list of their speakers. Melissa Yahner will contact Patti Suler to speak next month.
Standing Committees are as follows:
Yard of the Month: Bev, Kristina, Ellen, John, Marcia, Valerie, Kathie C.
Sign Placement: Larry, John, Ian
Brick Sales: Sandra
Brick Installation: Larry, John, Dave, Mike
Butterfly Garden: Larry, Helen
Jr Gardener: Liz, Lyn
Field Trips: Beth, Valerie (Marcia – Brookwood only)
Blog: Debbie
GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: If you have caladium bulbs and want to save them for next year, dig them up. Store these bulbs in a cool, dry location and make sure all the dirt is off every part of the bulb.
This is also the best month to divide and move bulbs, such as Lilies and Iris.
¬¬¬¬Keep an eye out for all the bulb marts/shows/sales.
1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.