Monday, May 13, 2024

General Meeting May 13th

 Attendees:  Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Louise Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Dale Smothers, Ann Sansbury

Speaker:  Garden Club Members

Topic: Favorite Plant and Tips for Growing

Refreshments: Vickie Kreeger

Door Prize: Louise Rugaard and Debbie Haluch

Birthday Celebrations: Alma Rielly

Old Business (Refresh)

·         Junior Gardener

New Business (Fresh)

·         Speakers for Next Year

Garden Tip of the Month:

Plant summer blooming perennials and annuals.

Monday, March 11, 2024

General Meeting March 11

Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara, Louise                             Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely

Speakers:  Ken & Janet Grau

Refreshments:  Provided by Louise Rugaard

Birthday Celebrations:  Cathy Oland (3/3) Debbie Haluch (3/21)

Approval of Club Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

  1. Motion to dispense with reading of prior month’s minutes

  2. Treasurer’s Report (Karl)

Old Business

  1. Update on Preparations for Junior Gardener Event (Louise)

    1. Supplies on hand, publicity, helpers, funds needed

  2. Update District Garden Club Convention (Liz)

    1. Wednesday March 27 Lone Star Community Center

New Business

  1. CCL garden replant project (Anne)

  2. Seek contributions from CCL HOA (who and how much?)

Upcoming CCGC Events:

  1. Next Meeting – April 8, 2024 (creating a backyard bird habitat)

Monday, February 12, 2024

General Meeting Feb 12

 Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Louise Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Dale Smothers, Laura Lara, Cathy Oland, Ann Sansbury

Speaker:  Chevvy Tank

Topic: International Vegetables and Herbs

Refreshments: Stevee Steely

Door Prize: Cathy Oland

Birthday Celebrations: Stevee Steely

Old Business (Refresh)

·         Junior Gardener

·         Garden Club Convention- Servers and Silent Auction

New Business (Fresh)

·         Junior Garden Event- No cost for attendees

·         Request Money from HOA for Jr Event

·         Sponsor CPR as Community Event

·         Gingerbread Houses for MD Anderson

Next Meeting: How Gardeners and Food Banks can work together.

Garden Tip of the Month:

Cut Roses

Monday, January 8, 2024

General Meeting January 8th

 Attendees: Norma Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Louise Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Dale Smothers.

Speaker:  Teresa See

Topic: Harvesting Rainwater

Refreshments: Dale Smothers

Door Prize: Debbie Haluch

Birthday Celebrations: Norma Chiaramonte and Ellie O’Connor

Old Business (Refresh)

  • ·         Christmas Party

New Business (Fresh)

  • ·         Junior Garden Event
  • ·         CPR Training
  • ·         Garden Club Convention
  • ·         Gingerbread Houses for MD Anderson

Garden Tip of the Month:

New Year, New YOU!  Start the New Year by creating a system for keeping track of planting, when, how, pest and disease problems. Keep notes with a garden journal.

Monday, November 13, 2023

General Meeting


Theme:  Growing Roses

Speakers: Karen Gerlach (Harris County Master Gardeners)

Refreshments & Door Prize:  Provided by Vickie & Louise

Attendance: 9 members (Norma, Liz, Debbie, Vickie, Louise, Karl, Ann, Dale, Steve)

Birthday Celebrations: Vickie Kreeger

Approval of Club Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

  1. Motion to dispense with reading of prior month’s minutes

  2. Treasurer’s Report (available funds & expenses)

Old Business

  1. Butterflies on Brazos:  garden improvements completed (led by Ann)

    1. Refresh plants, soil & mulch

    2. Sprinkler system inoperative (pumps failed)

  2. Donations & recognitions for Jr Gardeners Event completed

New Business

  1. Update status of membership dues

  2. Upcoming Meetings & Field trip

  3. Looking for silent auction donations

Upcoming CCLGC Events:

  1. Thanksgiving Meal: Union Kitchen (Towne Lake) Friday 11/17/23 6:30pm

  2. Brookwood Field Trip: Citizen Christmas program, Bus tour, shopping & breakfast

    1. Meet at CCL community center Saturday 12/2/23 7:30am

    2. Breakfast served 8-10am cost $ 14.95

  3. December Christmas Party: Friday 12/8/23 7pm

    1. Liz Hearn’s home: 10546 Hartfield Bluff Ln

    2. Pot Luck, BYOB & white elephant gift exchange

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Butterflies on Brazos Garden

 Butterflies on Brazos Garden got a much needed upgrade for edging this weekend.

Thank you Ann Sansbury for overseeing this project in a timely fashion.

Monday, October 9, 2023

October General Meeting

Speaker:  Barry Thompson – Master Beekeeper


Refreshments:  Provided by Liz Hearn

Door Prize:  Provided by Ann


Birthday Celebrations:  Ann (10/7) Louise (10/21)


Approval of Club Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

Motion to dispense with reading of prior month’s minutes

Treasurer’s Report (available funds)


Old Business

Complete donations from 2023 Jr Gardeners Event (CF VFD)

Thanksgiving member Dinner: Friday Nov. 17 at Union Kitchen


New Business

Proposed 2023 club budget

Garden Club Project


Monthly Speaker’s Fee


Texas Garden club Dues ($10 per CCLGC member)


Donations (CFVFD)


Improvements to gardens (edging soil etc.)


2024 Junior Gardener’s Event (less donations)


Estimated 2023-2024 Budget



Single donation to CYVFD approved ($250)

Debbie suggested members volunteer at Brookwood for poinsettia project


Upcoming CCGC Events:

Next Meeting – November 6, 2023

Garden clean-up – October 28

Planting – November 4 @ 8am


Action Items:

Update 2023 Membership roster

Prepare new name tags for members

Collect & deposit 2023 dues

Deliver donation to CFVFD