Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Special Planning Meeting

Bonnie Buhl, Norma and Edward Chiaramonte, Debbie Haluch, Liz and Tom Hearn, Ellen and Mark Jones, Dennis O'Connor, Cathy and Carl Oland, Alma Rielly, Louise and Karl Rugaard, Ann and Ken Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Tracy, and Dave Walker.


Speaker: Members



The August meeting was a special called dinner meeting to elect new officer and discuss the future of the Garden Club.


VOTE - Norma requested $250 donation to be made to Cy-Fair Fire.

Motion approved by Ann Sansbury and Second by Ellen Jones


VOTE - Liz Hearn to become new President and signee on Cypress Creek Lakes Garden Club Frost Bank Account.

Ruth Westra to be removed as President and from Frost Bank Account.

Tracy Walker to remain as Secretary and as signee on Cypress Creek Lakes Garden Club Frost Bank.

All those in favor "yea" - ALL

All those opposed to the motion "nay" - NONE

 Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer's Report was previously emailed to all members, and copies available at meeting, acknowledged by all.


Old Business:

Junior Garden Event updates


New Business:

We will continue share table

Butterfly Haven needs Power washing. Waiting Quote from Stone Creation. Ann Volunteered Ken or Dennis.

Need cost to raise the stone/marker on Butterfly Haven - been 12 years.


Our Next Meeting will be Sept 12th at Cypress Creek Community Center.

Tracy Walker to bring Door Prizes - Tracy Walker to bring Refreshments