Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October General Meeting

President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center and welcomed returning and new members.

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Larry & Bev Allen, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, John Marenco, Dave & Marcia Mausolf. New members included Shobana Gurumurthy, Doc & Peggy Stokley, Melissa Yahner.

PROGRAM: Mike Owens invited Patty Banzhaf TMCNP, with RCW Nurseries, to speak on Plants and Pests. She gave very good and useful information on how to get rid of pests in our gardens.

HOSPITALITY AND DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to John’s daughters who brought delicious home made cookies and he provided the door prize.

MINUTES:  A motion was made and seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes.


Brick Fundraiser:  Sandra explained the Brick for the Butterfly Garden to our new members and gave each an order form for the bricks. She said that the brick for Ellen Jones had been in for several months, but wanted to get more bricks in before getting it installed.

Butterfly Garden: Larry reported that Helen is working on the plant layout from the plants Kyle can provide. We will do the planting on November 14, at 8:30 am. Larry will send email reminding members to come help.

Speaker Information: Norma asked the member in charge of bringing a speaker to send their information to her ASAP.

New Business:

Yard of the Month:  Dale and Theresa Stasney

Service Project: The service project will be a quarterly food donation to the Cypress Assistance Ministry (C.A.M) beginning in November. Norma will email the food bank need list to the members.

Christmas Donation: Norma asked if we wanted to make a Christmas donation to CAM. Larry suggested a donation and the members can add to that donation individually.

Federation: Norma asked if we wanted to donate an item for the Houston Federation Silent Auction. Discussion about a donation failed. We will not send a donation for auction.

Dinner: We will have a dinner night out with spouses starting in January. Norma will coordinate.

Other: Marcia reported that 7 are going to Brookwood on Oct. 16, leaving the clubhouse at 8:30am.

GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: Apply pre-emergent herbicides, especially the 2-in-1 formulas. By applying a pre-emergent now, you block Poa Anna and various broadleaf weeds like clover from popping up in January.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.