Monday, January 9, 2017

January General Meeting

President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center.

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Jennifer Burchert, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Debbie Haluch, Elizabeth Hearn, Ian McWilliam and Nicole, David and Marcia Mausolf, Mike Owens, Ann Wiseman Schmidt, Doc and Peggy Stokley, Melissa Yahner. Guest - Trey Childs.

PROGRAM: Jennifer’s father-in-law, Ken Burchert, spoke on Backyard Beekeeping. He brought a bee hive box to show how bees are kept.

YARD OF THE MONTH: Kathie announced that Mark & Idalia Laber were the recipients of the Yard of the Month.

HOSTESS:  Thank you to Jennifer for being hostess this month!

DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Jennifer for the two door prizes, won by Ian and Melissa.

MINUTES:  A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes.

OLD BUSINESS:  Committee Reports

Bricks: Norma explained to the guests about the Butterfly Garden bricks.

Butterfly Garden:  no report

Signs: no report

Field Trips: Norma will ask Valerie and Beth to plan a Valentine’s dinner for February 11 or 12.

Jr Gardener Event: Liz said she will have more information at the next meeting

Blog: Going great.

Yard of the Month:  Kathie reported the winner for January.

Members’ Dinner: Norma reported that 18 members came to the Dinner at Romero’s, on November 18.  Beth and Valerie did a great job of arranging for the members to have dinner at Romero’s. We had a great turnout and fun visiting and dining.

NEW BUSINESS: Norma reminded everyone that next month’s meeting will be at the Phase 3 Community Center off Tuckerton.

GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH:  Plant refrigerated bulbs; plant trees the 3rd week of January; prune established trees; prepare soil/beds for vegetables; check Junipers for bagworms, spider mites and webworms; feed cool season annuals; start fertilizing established trees and shrubs.
1001 GardenLine Questions with Randy Lemmon.

NEXT MEETING:     February 13, 2017    7:00-9:00
At the Phase 3 Community Center Off Tuckerton
SPEAKER:    Sandra Gilbert will have Robert Richter speak on Container Gardening.
HOSTESS: Ian McWilliam DOOR PRIZE: Bev Allen
Meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.