Monday, February 11, 2019

February General Meeting

Attendees:  Beverly Allen, Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, Norma Chiaramonte, Joe D’Virgilio, Wendy D’Virgilio, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Sandy Haumpton, Liz Hern, Ellen Jones, Mark Jones, Ian McWilliam, Nicole McWilliam, Dave Mausolf, Marcia Mausolf, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, Kara Roberts, Mike Roberts, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Dennis O’Connor, Ellie O’Connor, Norma Islam, Cathy Bortz and Lyndi Bortz

§        Program Host - Mike Owens
§        Refreshments and Door Prize - Bonnie Buhl and Mike Owens
§        Welcome speakers: Kyle Franklin, IMS Landscaping and Joe           Sykes, President MUD 374
§         Program Topics:
Kyle gave an informative presentation on Creating Butterfly Habitats within the Urban Landscape.
       Key highlights included:  choosing the right location, establishing a foundation of healthy soil,   creating water sources for butterflies, plant choices for host and nectar plants and complementing     the garden space with annual plants for additional color. 

       Secondly, Kyle recommended 3 possible locations where we can establish additional butterfly     planting areas.  Two of the locations are on CCL property and one is on MUD property.  The group   was enthusiastic about pursuing the planting.  Kyle provided itemized quotes which have been   submitted to the POA and MUD boards for review and approval.

Location Information:  The club had suggested planting wildflowers in the field north of the lake at the main entrance on Sunny Springs and between the lake and Black Horse golf course.  Kyle suggested that the area is not ideal.  Primary reasons include: the area is very large (10,000 square feet), soil preparation and planting would be costly and most importantly the area floods.  All agreed it would not be prudent to choose this location.  The group did agree with requesting approval from POA Section 1 & 2 Board for a 400 square foot planting behind the splash pad (left of the rest rooms) at the park on Sunny Spring and Cypress Creek Lakes Drive.  The second location is a small area on Cypress North Houston.  The location for planting on a MUD property is a 220 square foot area behind the club house on Cypress Creek Bend.

      Kyle had a wide array of butterfly friendly plants on hand to provide examples.  He concluded his presentation with a plant giveaway drawing.  Everyone went home with a beautiful plant.  Thank you Kyle!

      Joe Sykes provided an update on flood concerns that are being addressed.  The developer for Town Lake has built a levy in the area of Cypress North Houston and Greenhouse Road.  The MUD board is concerned that the levy will restrict water flow from Cypress Creek Lake which poses a risk for significant flooding.  The MUD board has retained an attorney and a Hydrologist to analyze the situation. 
­         Secondly, Joe informed us that the Sheriff’s office is investigating a robbery ring that is targeting an area in Katy and Cypress Creek Lakes.  They are primarily focused on stealing items from unlocked cars.  He encouraged all to not leave valuables in your car and to keep it locked at all times. 

Kyle and Larry Allen – Spring Planting for Butterfly Garden I:  Kyle presented a layout of the planting design along with an itemized list of plants.  The spring planting will be on Saturday April 6, at 8:00 am

Door Prize drawing – Nicole McWilliam won a beautiful planted Gerber Daisy provided by Mike Owens and Ellen Jones won a Bird Feeder and food provided by Bonnie Buhl
  Meeting Agenda
§       Welcome new members and Guests: Cathie and Lindy Bortz, Kyle and Sophia Franklin, Norma Islam, Dennis and Ellie O’Connor, Kara and Mike Roberts, Joe Sykes

§        January 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes – a motion to dispense of reading the minutes was made by Norma Chiaramonte and seconded by Marcia Mausolf
§        Treasurer Report was presented by Secretary/Treasurer Bonnie Buhl and approved by all

§        Mark Jones provided an update on the plans for Butterfly Garden II in section 3.  Mark noted that Kelly Doyle, the POA President for Section 3 and Brooke Marrs with Earthcare Management, have been extremely supportive in making this project a reality.  The design plan was presented to the group.  The overall design was approved by all.  The list of recommended plants will be provided to all members for review and recommendations. Earthcare management has generously agreed to provide all soil, labor for soil preparation, plants and materials. A motion was made by Ellen Jones to approve the selection and purchase of a Stone Monument Marker similar to the one at the original Butterfly Garden.  The approval of this motion was unanimous. 

§        Liz proposed a planning meeting for the Junior Gardening Event to be held on Saturday May 4.  It will take place at her home at 7:00 pm on Wednesday February 27.  All are invited

§        Yard of the Month – Kara Roberts graciously volunteered to be the YOM Chairperson.  The next judging will be for April and there will be an award for Sections 1 and 2, and one for Section 3.  Larry Allen will order a second sign.

§        Committee Chair Updates
­   Brick Fundraiser –new member Cathie Bortz, Realtor BHGRE Gary Greene presented an improved order form.  Cathie is sponsoring the printing of the form and has arranged for the Key Club to distribute the forms throughout CCL.  This should be very helpful in raising awareness and increasing brick sales.Thank you Cathie, Your support is greatly appreciated!
­   Social Gatherings – Norma Chiaramonte suggested a social outing.  Mike and Kara Roberts offered to host a dinner gathering in conjunction with the April meeting at their home.  The group readily welcomed the idea.  Kara will let everyone know at our next meeting what they can bring to the dinner on Monday April 8 at 7:00 pm.  Their home is at 20203 Nicholas Point Court

§        Monthly Meetings: 
March 11, 2019
­   Program Host, Refreshments and Door Prize - Norma Chiaramonte
­   Program Topic – TBD
­   Nomination and Election of new officers - Nominating Committee: Larry Allen, Debbie Haluch and Mike Owens
April 8, 2019
­   Program Host – Kara and Mike Roberts
­   Program – “Field Trip” -to see the butterfly habitat created by Kara and Mike followed by a sunset dinner.   
­   Refreshments and Door Prize:  Dave and Marsha Mausolf
            May 13, 2019
­   Program Host – all
­   Program Topic Share Table - Each member is asked to bring a gardening topic to discuss and share.  Examples: a unique plant (indoor or outdoor), a gardening problem you have resolved or need help in solving, landscape design, etc. 
­   Door Prize and Refreshments – Ian McWilliam
­   Installation of new officers

§          Gardening Tips for February - Zone 9 (
­   Sow seeds for hardy spring-blooming annuals
­   Sow seeds of warm-season annuals indoors
­   Plant summer-flowering bulbs
­   Re-pot cacti and succulents, if essential, once they have finished blooming
­   Plant bare-root fruit trees
­   Apply dormant spray to fruit trees
­   Spray for peach leaf curl, peach leaf blight, and canker
­   Plant citrus
­   Repair or plant lawns
­   Plant or transplant frost-tolerant perennials outdoors
­   Sow seeds for tender perennials indoors
­   Plant bare-root roses
­   Plant bare-root trees, shrubs, and vines
­   Prune deciduous trees
­   Prune winter-flowering shrubs and vines just after bloom
­   Plant bare-root perennial vegetables
­   Plant seedlings of cool-season or winter vegetables
­   Sow seeds for cool-season or winter vegetables
­   Sow seeds for warm-season vegetables indoors

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15