Monday, November 8, 2021

November 2021 General Meeting

 Meeting Minutes 

Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Ellie and Dennis O’Connor, Mike Owens, Alma Rielly, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Irma Uyeda, Ruth Westra, Ellen and Mark Jones, Bonnie Buhl, Tracy Walker, Michelle Sobczak, Norma Chiaramonte, David and Marcia Mausolf, Cathy Oland, Louise Rugaard 

Speaker: Mike Owens, gave a talk on Fragrant, shrubs, trees, flowers and herbs 

Minutes – October Meeting Minutes –we dispensed with reading of the minutes. Motion was made by Michelle Sobczak and Norma Chiaramonte 

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Report was given by Tracy Walker and approved by all. 

Birthdays Norma Islam, Mark Jones, Marcia Mausolf 

Old Business: 

● Butterfly Garden was cleaned up and completed by Ann, Debbie and Ellen. 

● Garden memorial Bricks completed by Mike Owens 

New Business: 

● Mike Owens announced that six new bricks have been installed in the garden. And that they will continue to add bricks as long as anyone wants one. 

● Irma announced the standing committee chairmen and confirmed they will be taking the same position this year. 

● Cards were made by Debbie for each member that will allow them 10% off at Garden centers. 

● Norma introduced a charity event/project to the club. It was decided to bring socks for children - not wrapped. 

● Debbie invited all to attend an event to honor her and Dale's granddaughter Taylor at a herb garden they planted. Which is by the Magnolia Tree that was planted in Peggy Owens Memory 

● Ann announced the clean up on 11/6 had 4 trash cans full at Butterfly Haven Garden and a reminder of the fall planting of the gardens (11/13) will be at 9:00 starting at Butterfly Haven Garden and then moving onto the Brazos. 

● Ruth gave out a flyer and spoke about upcoming gardening events and sales in our area. 

Gardening Tips: 

● Replace dead grass with St. Augustine’s sod. 

● Plant bulbs between Halloween and Thanksgiving for the holidays

Social Gathering on the 19th of November at 6:30 pm 

Next Meeting will be a Christmas Party to be held at the Clubhouse on December 3rd at 7pm.  Bring a wrapped white Elephant gift for $25 if you wish to participate in the game.