Monday, February 13, 2017

February General Meeting

President, Norma Chiaramonte, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. at the Phase 3 Community Center, located at 10080 Cypress Creek Bend Ln (near Tuckerton Rd).

THOSE IN ATTENDANCE INCLUDED: Bev & Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte, Kathie Corbett, Sandra Gilbert, Kristina Haygood, Liz Hearn, Ian McWilliam and Nicole, Marcia & Dave Mausolf, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, Kathi Palacios, Ann Schmidt, Melissa Yahner, and guest Stefanie Matta.

PROGRAM: Sandra Gilbert presented Robert Richter with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, who spoke on “Container Gardening.”   Robert also told us that they have an OPEN GARDEN DAY on the 4th Tuesday each month. They are located at 3033 Bear Creek Dr, Houston 77084.

For Gardening Questions:  

  • Ask a Master Gardener: 281-855-5600 9 am – 3 pm Mon-Fri 
  • Ask online:                                                                
  • Drop in or mail us: 3033 Bear Creek Dr. Houston TX 77084                                                                          Their website is:                       

YARD OF THE MONTH: Kathie announced that Isaac and Barbara Wang were the recipients of the Yard of the Month.
HOSTESS:  Thank you to Ian McWilliam and Ann Wiseman Schmidt for being hostess this month!

DOOR PRIZE: Thank you to Bev & Larry Allen for the door prize, won by  Ann W Schmidt.

MINUTES: Marcia made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and was seconded by Bev.

OLD BUSINESS: Committee Reports

Bricks: Sandra said she would place an order for commemorative bricks when she gets more orders.

Butterfly Garden:  Larry said that Kyle had trimmed back many plants due to the recent freeze. He did not have a date set for the Spring planting.

Signs: Larry said that he would pick up the signs after the meeting.

Field Trips: There were 13 members at the Valentine Dinner on Friday, February 10. The dinner moved at the last minute to Dario’s.

Jr Gardener Event: Liz said she would talk to Lyn and get started on planning the event. The date will be May 6, the Saturday before Mother’s Day. Mike suggested that we have a fire truck and a police car there for an added attraction for the attendees. Norma will check on getting the fire truck

Yard of the Month:  Kathie said she had several members who were helping with the yard selection, including Kristina, Ellen, Marcia, and Bev.


Norma announced that the Houston Federation dues had been increased from $ 7 to $ 8 per member. These dues are paid by the club.

Brookwood Events:  Marcia told us that Brookwood will be having two new events as follows:

  • Saturday, Feb 25 – 10:00 am – Free workshop “Clean up your Yard after the Freeze with Organic Products”
  • Thursday, March 16 – 10:30 am - $19.95 plus tax includes lunch – Linda Gay (Horticulturist & Garden Designer) “Get Ready for Summer Gardening”

Brookwood also has Horticulture Tours – Monday thru Friday 9-11 or 1-3, by appointment only, given by Mark Rainey (Horticulture Manager) for a behind the scenes tour of their horticulture department.

Norma reminded us to be thinking about our April meeting, in which we will have a “Show & Tell” program by our members. She will have a sign-up sheet at the March meeting for your presentation.

GARDENING TIP OF THE MONTH: Don’t commit “Crape Myrtle Massacre” Prune Crape Myrtles any time during February. The only required pruning is to take off last year’s seed pods.  This means: simply remove any branches that are growing inward, crossing or rubbing.  Don’t over-prune to the same spot every year.

NEXT MEETING:  March 13, 2017 at Cypress Creek Lakes Community Center, 10702 Cypress Creek Bend Ln (our regular meeting place).

SPEAKER: Bev and Larry

HOSTESS: Bonnie Buhl DOOR PRIZE: Bonnie Buhl
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.