Saturday, May 20, 2023

Native Plants and QR Codes


Butterflies on Brazos
Our Butterfly Haven and Butterflies on Brazos gardens are looking fantastic.  

Ann has found and planted over twenty (20) varieties of native plants in the gardens.

Debbie has created QR codes that will show how to care for each native.  

Butterfly Haven

Take your kids, grandkids, neighbors, and your phone to the gardens soon and explore.


Monday, May 8, 2023

May General Meeting

 Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Mike Owens, Alma Rielly, Louise Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Ann Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Tracy Walker, Dennis and Ellie O’Connor, Stevee Steely.

Speaker: Members Present- Ann, Louise, Debbie and Dale. Karl presented pictures from the Jr Gardening Event

March Minutes –We dispensed with reading of the minutes. Motion was made by All.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurers Report was given by Karl Rugaard.

Birthdays – Stevee Steely

Old Business:

● Garden Replant

New Business:

● Karl showed a power point of the Junior Garden Event. It Looked like a good time had by all. Also shared that we had 44 pots made on the day. A good turn out.

● Louise updated us on the success of the Junior Garden Event held on May 6.

● Stevee shared that the bird tour had been postponed to May 25th. Please contact Stevee or Liz for further details.

● Ann gave a run down of the butterfly garden replanting and the cost involved of using the native plants and future savings by using native plants.

● It was voted by all that $125 each will be given as a donation to both the Fire and Police Department who helped make the Junior Garden Event a fun place for the children.

Next meeting Sept 11th 2023.

Tip of the Month: Bird migration is in full swing. Now is the time to provide clean water in bird baths and fresh food in feeders. Even if you don't do it year round, now is the time to provide our winged friends with a little extra nutrition.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Jr Gardening- Mother's Day Pots

 Celebrating 10+ years of welcoming the community to create painted pots for Mother's Day!

Karl welcomed participants and provided instructions

There was plenty of painting creativity from all ages

Pots were dried before planting
While waiting for pots to dry, everyone was treated to a tour of the fire engine

or blowing the siren of the Constable's car.

Plants, pot stickers and cards for Mom

Creating a card that Mom will treasure forever!

Enjoying popcorn!

Mom will be super surprised

Louise was the master of keeping the event flowing!