President Sandra Gilbert called the meeting of the CCL Garden Club to order at 7:05 PM at the CCL Community Center. She welcomed all members and guest.
Speaker presentation: Fred Billings from Buds and Blossoms gave us a talk on “Let’s Have Color for Spring”. Some of the plants that have beautiful color this time of year are petunias, snapdragons, marigolds, lantana, cosco, vinca and geraniums. He donated a beautiful Brazilian Redcloak as a door prize and Marcia Mausolf was the winner.
The Yard of the Month recipients this month were Chris and Toni Yargo.
Mike Owens gave us an update of the MUDD district meeting.
Attendees: Sandra Gilbert, Marcia and Dave Mausolf, Mike Owens, Krista Steele, Debbie Haluch, Kathy Booth, Norma Chiaramonte, Patti Foucha, Cathy Oland, guest Dale Smothers and speaker Fred Billings.
Motion was made and seconded to dispense of the reading of the minutes.
Marcia gave the Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance was $1,992.20, receipts of $17.00, disbursements of $205.00, giving us a balance of $1,804.20.
OLD BUSINESS: Debbie said she will email everyone shortly about getting together for trimming the butterfly garden and planting the new plants.
Sandra reminded everyone to promote the Garden Club by buying and displaying a sign. They cost $17.00 plus you get a $10.00 gift card from Plants For All Seasons. That’s a great deal!
Sandra reminded us of the Bayou Bend Garden Tour and the Herbal Festival at Round Rock this month.
No decisions have been made yet for projects for the Jr. Gardeners. If anyone has suggestions, please contact Billie Fontana.
We are still collecting seeds for The Seeds For Life Project. Please remember to bring your seeds next month.
NEW BUSINESS: We are planning a spring plant sale. It will be the month of April and Plants For All Seasons will have vouchers for us to sell. Signs will be put up on the Post Offices boxes. Sandra will make up a flyer.
At next month’s meeting members will bring plants and flower specimens.
We will be participating in the Easter Egg Hunt this year. It will be held March 31, 2012 at the CCL Community Center. We will also be selling vouchers for plants at this event.
Sandra gave a talk on “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.
The Gardening Link of the Month is Bayou Bend Gardens
Gardening Tip of the Month: Check purple folder for Vegetable Garden Planting Chart.
Our next meeting will be April 9, 2012 at CCL Community Center.
Thanks to Marcia and Dave for being host and hostess this month.
Sandra adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted ,
Marcia Mausolf