Attendees: Norma
Chiaramonte, Liz Hearn, Ellie O’Connor, Cathy Oland, Mike Owens, Alma Rielly, Karl
Rugaard, Louise Rugaard, Ann Sansbury, Vickie Kreeger
Speaker: James Holmes with Houston Master Gardeners spoke on Native Plants.
February Minutes
–we dispensed with reading of the minutes. Motion was made by Mike Owens and
seconded by Louise Rugaard.
Treasurer’s Report - Treasurers Report was given by Ann Sansbury
Birthdays – Cathy Oland (3rd), Debbie Haluch (21st) and Susan Parker (23rd)
Old Business:
Liz is working on the Garden butterfly
New Business:
· Ann
announced that butterfly garden cleanup for both gardens will be April 1 and
new planting will be April 15, both at 9:00.
· Louis
spoke on the Junior Garden Event which will be held on May 6 from 10-2. She
asked for a list of items needed and passed around a volunteer sheet.
· Karl
Rugaard volunteered to be the new Secretary/Treasurer for 2023/2024.
Our speaker for April 10 will be from the John Ferguson, owner of Natures Way Resources. He will be speaking on compost.