Speaker: John Ferguson - Topic: Compost.
Treasurer’s Report - Treasurers Report was given by Tracy Walker.
Birthdays – Alma Rielly
Old Business:
● Garden Cleaned up.
New Business:
● Ann announced that butterfly garden new planting will be April 15, at 9:00. Spoke of using Native plants as they come back every year and survive the Texas weather. Also suggested planting seeds for cost effectiveness.● Louise spoke on the Junior Garden Event which will be held on May 6 from 10-2. She gave updated on marketing and list of items needed.
● New Signs have been made for the Junior Garden Event.
● Stevee shared trip event for Thursday April 27th. Further details were made around and emailed to all.
● Liz asked for speaker ideas for the following term.
● Karl Rugaard volunteered at last meeting to be the new Secretary/Treasurer for 2023/2024. And all agree with transition.
Next meeting May 8th - Members present plant details.
Please bring plants to share and talk about.
Tip of the Month: Use diatomaceous earth around the base of new plants to keep cut worms from wreaking havoc. You can also use it on squash plants to help protect from squash vine borers. You can also mulch squash stems to protect from the borers. This will also encourage the plant to root along the stems to minimize how much of the
plant borers can hurt at a go.