Monday, February 12, 2018

February General Monthly Meeting


Bev and Larry Allen, Bonnie Buhl, A J Challagundla, Norma Chiaramonte, Joe and Wendy D’Virgilio, Sandra Gilbert, Debbie Haluch, Elizabeth Hearn, Ellen and Mark Jones, Ian, Lyn and Nicole McWilliam, David and Marcia Mausolf, Dr. Sharon Morris, Mike Owens, and Dale Smothers


Kyle Franklin of I.M.S. Landscape Services presented an informative discussion on Watering Your Landscape Efficiently.  With the benefit of a Lawn Irrigation model, Kyle was able to illustrate the working operation of an irrigation system and highlight the areas that should be monitored and maintained routinely.  He provided instruction on how to train your landscape to use water efficiently.  Highlights include: break up watering plan into 2-3 cycles to reduce or eliminate runoff; zone irrigation system to water beds and turf separately; use organic soil amendments; adjust heads so they are not spraying beyond beds or turf, and consider converting bed zones to drip irrigation; water early morning (4:00 am) for approximately 5 minutes and repeat cycle for a second watering.  

Dr. Mike Owens, a Garden Club member and Board Member of MUD District 374, complimented the discussion by sharing recent data on the water usage within our MUD District and emphasized the need to be good stewards of water usage.  Data shows the average home in Texas uses 4000 gallons of treated water per month.  Irritation systems in use account for 92 percent of water consumption. Thus, the information provided by Kyle gave us critical knowledge on ways to be efficient and effective in our watering practices.

Thank you to Dr. Mike Owens for arranging the program and to
Mike and Peggy Sue for the door prize and delicious refreshments.  The door prize won by Wendy D’Virgilio was a beautiful ceramic 3 pot planter with fresh herbs.   

CCL Butterfly Garden II – the landscape contract for that area is in the bidding process.  Once the contractor has been determined plans to implement the new garden will be set in motion.  Norma is working with all parties and she also presented a diagram of the proposed plantings.  Sandra Gilbert offered to provide information on the business who created the center stone in the original garden.  Once provided, Ellen will get a quote for a center stone for new garden.

Pinpoint magazine – the March/April edition will include a promotion of the May 5th Jr. Gardening Event.  The May/June publication will include a feature article on the CCL Garden Club Butterfly Garden II

CCL website – Rob Melloy will contact Norma within the next few weeks to follow through with assistance to incorporate Garden Club information within the site.


January Meeting Minutes:
Norma made a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes and Marcia seconded.


Bonnie provided an overview of the past month including starting balance, no receipts or expenditures and closing balance. There were no questions or discussion.


Marcia announced that the Blue Bonnet Garden Club will host an event, Books in Bloom on April 19 at the new library in Brenham.  Marcia asked that those who would like to attend to please let her know by our next meeting on March 12.  She will coordinate reservations, $10 per person, and arrange for meeting time and car pool options. Should be a fun outing and we hope many can participate.


Liz Hearn and Lyn McWilliam will chair this year’s event.  A planning meeting is scheduled at the home of Ellen Jones on Tuesday, March 6. Volunteers are needed, and all members are welcome to attend and support this planning effort.


Ellen received a request to provide the following information before February 20 to the District IV club president.  Following is the category and detail of the information requested:

Club Anniversaries:  Ellen will advise, CCL Garden Club celebrating 10-year anniversary

Club members that celebrated their 90th birthday:   Ellen will advise no members in this category

Club “Garden Angels” – there are no requirements for this.  Intent is to acknowledge someone who goes the extra mile to support the club.  Ellen proposed three candidates and highlighted their contributions. The candidates were Larry Allen, Norma Chiaramonte and Debbie Haluch.  Ellen asked for a motion to nominate others and none were recommended.  A ballot vote was take and Debbie Haluch was voted Garden Angel.  Ellen will provide information to District IV

The next CCL Garden Club meeting will be March 12, 2018.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM

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