Monday, March 11, 2024

General Meeting March 11

Attendees: Debbie Haluch, Liz Hearn, Vickie Kreeger, Laura Lara, Louise                             Rugaard, Karl Rugaard, Sansbury, Dale Smothers, Stevee Steely

Speakers:  Ken & Janet Grau

Refreshments:  Provided by Louise Rugaard

Birthday Celebrations:  Cathy Oland (3/3) Debbie Haluch (3/21)

Approval of Club Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report

  1. Motion to dispense with reading of prior month’s minutes

  2. Treasurer’s Report (Karl)

Old Business

  1. Update on Preparations for Junior Gardener Event (Louise)

    1. Supplies on hand, publicity, helpers, funds needed

  2. Update District Garden Club Convention (Liz)

    1. Wednesday March 27 Lone Star Community Center

New Business

  1. CCL garden replant project (Anne)

  2. Seek contributions from CCL HOA (who and how much?)

Upcoming CCGC Events:

  1. Next Meeting – April 8, 2024 (creating a backyard bird habitat)

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